Like many I've been on the recent quest for a Polaroid SprintScan 4000,
but in the UK. Found the firm MegaPixels and they are charging me 570
UK pounds (including VAT) which is OK even if a bit more than in the
USA. If others are looking they think they can get others. They can also
get and supply both slide and filmstrip holders (13 UKP ea).
email tel in UK: 0800 0282261
When looking for the SprintScan also found a shop that has just ordered
36 of the now end of line Kodak RS3600 35mm film scanner for 299UKP +
VAT which seems a good price. This is Leeds Photovisual, Andrew
Jenkins (mgr) 01633 279 440 in the UK.
Just thought this might be of interest. Normal disclaimer, I have nothing
to do with either of these.
Charles Stirling
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