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[filmscanners] Re: Making contact sheets on a flatbed scanner

Date sent:              Thu, 7 Mar 2002 19:39:08 -0500
Send reply to:          filmscanners@halftone.co.uk
From:                   "" <david_bookbinder@sprynet.com>
To:                     doogle@doogle.com
Subject:                [filmscanners] Making contact sheets on a flatbed 

> I just unpacked a box of some several hundred rolls of developed film which I
> had, for the many years I've been lugging it around, always assumed also had 
> contact sheets. Now I find they are missing, perhaps for good. I'm figuring I
> could generate reasonable electronic contact sheets by placing the negatives
> (b&w) in acetate sleeves and then scanning the page of sleeves and inverting 
> result. Can anyone who has successfully done this give me some hints as to
> either where to go to find a good workflow for this procedure (bearing in mind
> that I will be doing it several hundred times) or pass on a bit of his or her
> own wisdom?
> Thanks,
> David

Well, you're gonna need a flatbed with full 8x10 or 8.5x11 tranny adaptor 
coverage. I'm not sure
what all is available (used to be more models around with that spec), but most 
only do up to
4x5, but some, like the Epson 2450, do around 4.5x9, so you might have to 
stitch couple of
scans together per contact sheet if you went that route.

Oh, and btw, you WILL need a transparency based light source adaptor.
And btw btw, scanners like this generally already allow reversing negs to pos, 
with color
balancing for the orange mask. Believe me, you do NOT want to be trying to 
reverse them "by
hand". There's alot more to it than simply "reversing" the image.

Look at Wayne Fulton's site, www.scantips.com.
I think he lists manufacturers/models that have larger tranny coverages.
Was a recent short thread re that in comp.periphs.scanners recently too.

HTH some,
           Mac McDougald -- DOOGLE DIGITAL
  500 Prestwick Ridge Way # 39 - Knoxville, TN 37919
 doogle@doogle.com  865-540-1308  http://www.doogle.com

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