On Fri, 8 Mar 2002 10:13:25 -0700 Bill Fernandez
(bill_sub@billfernandez.com) wrote:
> Microtek makes a number of scanners with an 8 x 10 transparency bed,
> and will scan negatives and do the inversion and orange mask removal
> for you, but the transparency bed is on a tray inside the scanner so
> you can't leave the negs in their acetate sleeves.
They do indeed, and I've seen printed scans of 5x4 from the 8700 which were
excellent. However I want to be able to use the top half of a Paterson
35mm contact frame in the drawer, as it has plastic grippers which overlap
adjacent strips and gets 6x strips of 6negs onto a 10x8" sheet. However
I've been unable to find out whether the 8700 (or any other) will cope with
the 6mm or so thickness of the frame+glass sandwich.
However the 8700 is 680GBP, so OTT anyway. As are all scanners I've found
capable of >5x4 transparency scanning.
I keep saying this : if some mfr would make a dedicated low-res (600ppi)
contact printing scanner, capable of 6 strips on 10x8, or 4 @3 6x6 etc,
they'd sell shedloads if the price was reasonable - say $300US. Nobody
needs wonderful quality contacts, just reasonable colour and capable of 2x
enlargement. David??! I'd buy one tomorrow!
Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner info
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