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[filmscanners] RE: VueScan FIY (was: Polaroid's future)

> >If you use Nikon scanners the NikonScan sofwares is  free to download
> and
> >includes lot more compare to Vuescan .
> >Mikael Risedal
> Yep.  More crashes.  More time per scan.  More errors in color
> More hassles.
> --
> Julian Vrieslander <mailto:julianv@mindspring.com>

Agreed. Nikon is notorious for poor software, and not just among VS
users. Many who own Nikon scanners use SilverFast which is excellent
(although I personally do not like its GUI and other features) and costs
eight times as much as VS and has (or at least had) a worse manual. (I
understand this is now much improved.)

To repeat, VueScan DOES have a manual. Not a great one, but hey, someone
tell me about a great software manual!


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