Go to Nikonscan advanced colors settings , adjust blackpoint master
settings to 5 not 0.
Set white point target to 250 not 255 and you have less problem with
Nikonscan and shadows/highlights
Mikael Risedal
>Mikael Risedal schrieb:
> > 1. The Nikonscan 3.12 are now stable if you have enough memory .
> > 2. In what way and when are Vuescan superior to NikonScan ? speed?
> > colors? handling? CMS?
>Hi, Mikael,
>I was very much convinced of Nikon Scan until I replaced my LS-30 (NS
>2.5) with a LS-40 (NS 3.1). NS 3.1 will inexorably clip shadows with
>negatives because the "prescan mode: lo-cont neutral" option that fixed
>the problem in NS 2.5 has been removed in 3.x.
>I have been using Vuescan since - a bit fussy as to getting some colors
>right but capable of getting all the information out of my negatives.
>Nikon Scan is no longer an option in that respect.
>Best regards -
>My animal photo page on the WWW: http://schmode.net
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Mikael Risedal
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