I don't think you're doing anything wrong, though I don't find manual
focusing onerous. I certainly would discuss the problem with Minolta
support. They should be able to isolate it and, if necessary, swap your
scanner for one without the problem. It does not seem to be one of those
incurable issues, rather a faulty unit that slipped through QC. I've closely
monitored all discussions on the Multi Pro for several months and have not
heard of this before. In contrast, it is pretty well documented that the
LS8000 has a depth-of-field issue with curled film. That's one reason I
cancelled after waiting seven months for one and went with the Minolta (and
I've used Nikon cameras and lenses for 33 years). I've done fewer than 20
scans on my Multi Pro, but I think it's a keeper.
M. Denis Hill
Qualified Panoramic Photographer
Proud Member of the International Association of Panoramic Photographers
"I have made this letter a rather long one, only because I didn't have the
leisure to make it shorter." Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
I have tried manual focus and the previews and scans are still out of focus.
I hope I am not doing something stupid here. I put the 6X6 neg into the
glassless holder with the bars adjusted to the 6X6 size. I then clip the
holder into the carrier and insert the carrier into the scanner.
Neither Vuescan nor the Minolta software can focus on the medium format
film, but both can focus fine on 35mm negs and slides.
If I am not doing anything stupid in mounting the film then I guess the
scanner will need to be returned. Given the cost, and the poor quality if
it is a scanner fault, I may try the LS8000 instead, even though with a
glass carrier it would be about 50% more expensive than the Minolta.
I really want the Minolta to work and this is very frustrating.
Thanks Denis, and any further ideas would be gratefully received.
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