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[filmscanners] Re: Re:Using dICE with glass carriers (was: Depthof Focus)

It is unlikely that surface defects on the outside of a glass carrier would
be seen, and anyway no self respecting scanner man would allow such
artifacts to remain there for long.

ICE works generally at emulsion level and that is what it is intended to do.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Julian Vrieslander" <julianv@mindspring.com>
To: <dickbo@btopenworld.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2002 3:32 AM
Subject: [filmscanners] Re:Using dICE with glass carriers (was: Depthof

On 3/29/02 3:48 PM, Jack Phipps <JPhipps@asf.com>, wrote:

>Digital ICE should correct for surface defects (dust and scratched) on the
>outside of a glass carrier. I don't have any personal experience with this

Could you clarify this?  Do you mean the ICE can only correct for surface
defects on one or both of the outside glass surfaces?

And, by your omission, should we infer that ICE does not correct defects
on the two inside surfaces of the glass elements (that is, on the sides
facing the film)?

Do the glass layers reduce the effectiveness of ICE in removing defects
on the film itself?

Certainly, someone at ASF must have tested these issues.

Julian Vrieslander <mailto:julianv@mindspring.com>

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