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[filmscanners] Re: Epson Printing Post Scanning...continued

> I am starting with a 4000ppi image with the scan being the same size as the
> slide when I scan in Vuescan.  When I print in PS I go to Image Size and then
> change the image size to, say 8x10 with image proportions constrained and
> change the resolution to 360 dpi.  I check the box to allow resampling to be
> done (is this correct when you are decreasing the resloution, my
> understanding is that the optimal res to send to the printer is 360 and that
> it is better to send 360 dpi than to send more and have the printer driver
> sort it out).  Then it gets sent to the printer.

That's all fine enough, Howard, but you may be sending more ppi to the printer 
necessary. Whether you will get better results with less is moot, only you can 
tell for
sure, but you might experiment just to see if any quality diffs and to speed up 
if nothing else.
General rule of thumb is that no inket visibly (at least without a loupe) 
benefits from
over 300ppi at actual print size. Many Epson folks say there's nothing visibly 
past 260 and some say even as low as 240. On my HP I can see a diff up to around
300 but not past that.

You might start with the same image, resize/resample to 10" at 240, 260, 280, 
300 (go
back to first original image each time) and see what you see.

This doesn't relate to the "grainy" nature of your previous post, I'll let 
others comment
on that, lots of variables there, but you might as well nail down the min/max 
ppi for
quality printing on your system. Again, if nothing else, you'll save time 
printing if you
find no visible improvements past a certain ppi. Also will allow more cropping 
original image and still get up to reasonable output size and etc.

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