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[filmscanners] Re: Real-World Scene Brightness Range

At 09:56 AM 5/13/2002 +0100, David Hoffman wrote:
>At 15:50 -0600 10/5/02, Stan McQueen wrote:
> >I don't recall ever seeing more than 6-7 stops, so I'm
> >curious what type of scenes you have in mind
>I've not measured this but bright sun on a white shirt must be pretty
>close to 10 stops from dark cloth in heavy shade. Maybe more than 10
>looking at my negs. That's why we use fill flash!

Actually, it's probably not more than a few stops. Because we "know" that
black is darker than white, our minds interpret the visual data so as to
see the dark cloth as being very very dark and the white shirt as being
very very white. An objective measurement with a spot meter would likely
show that the difference is not as great as our eyes would indicate. I
measured dark shade and sunlit concrete yesterday at about 3:00 pm with a
bright sun and no clouds in the sky. The shade was the darkest thing I
could find and my concrete driveway in full sun was the brightest I could
find. The difference between the two measurements was 8 stops. Figure 4-13
in Ansel Adams' "The Negative" shows a scene that he considers to be a
long-scale subject. It covers 6 stops of brightness.


Photography by Stan McQueen

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