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[filmscanners] RE: Black and white scans on LS4000 EDandotherissues
You're right, and I've questioned Nikon about this... But, the issue still
is that it's a point light source, even with a isn't as
diffused as a cold light is. Now, whether it would be "good enough", I
don't know...since I don't have the source code for the firmware, so I can
modify it to try this out ;-)
> What is somewhat interesting about this is that of all the CCD scanners
> on the market (excepting the Leaf, as noted) Nikon is probably best set
> up to do a real B&W scan. Unlike most which use a triline CCD sensor
> with a R, G or B color separating filter for each line, the Nikon
> doesn't use color separating filters on the CCD, but rather uses colored
> LEDs to produce the separations and a one line sensor (with all but the
> LS8000)
> It seems to me that they could have produced something approaching white
> light by firing all LEDS at once with a diffuser, and read the neg using
> the one bare CCD sensor line. I think they would then have a bit more
> brightness to work from, if required.
> Art
> Austin Franklin wrote:
> >>>I remain disappointed that they state you cannot scan black and
> >>>
> >>white as RGB
> >>
> >>>positive, even intimating that one would be manipulating a
> >>>
> >>lesser quality
> >>
> >>>scan in Photoshop than if the scan had been done as a
> >>>
> >>monochrome scan. That
> >>
> >>What they say is definitely not true. The scanner allows you to set
> >>the exposures separately and read out the raw CCD data, so all
> >>limitations they might be thinking of arise from the design of the
> >>scan software.
> >>
> >
> > Hi Andras and Simon,
> >
> > ALL CCD scanners that I know of, with the exception noted in the next
> > sentence, scan EVERYTHING in RGB, whether you select
> B&W/Monochrome or not.
> > The ONLY CCD scanner(s) I know of that scan B&W AS B&W, using a
> single ND
> > filter, is the Leafscan 45 and the Leafscan 35.
> >
> > So, the point is, you ARE scanning the B&W film in RGB, just
> the scanner has
> > it's own "mix" of RGB that it uses to convert internal to the
> scanner and
> > then give you the monochrome image. EXACT same thing that PS
> does when you
> > convert from RGB to B&W, but in PS, I believe you can change
> the "mix" of R
> > G and B. I REALLY wish scanner manufacturers would make their
> > scanner/software so that you could change the mix there too...
> >
> > Personally, I believe the Leaf gives much better B&W tonality
> than any other
> > CCD scanner I've ever used or seen.
> >
> > Austin
> >
> >
> >
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