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[filmscanners] RE: Suggestions for scanning 4x5transparencies

about what I'd expect wit the difference in resolution between the two

And the Epson ones would easily sharpen up to look very very close to the
4000 scans with something like Deadman's Super Sharpen or HLHP or such.

FWIW I use a umax Powerlook III for scanning 4x5 and 8x10 negs and trannies
for printing on either inkjet or lightjet easily up to 16x20 (bigger for the
8x10's easily up to 30") and thy look great. I don't bother with a costly
drum scans unless I'm going to 48" or 72" wide when the difference shows.

On Ilfochromes - I have a colleague who is a long time expert colour printer
who has specialised in Cibachrome. At work he deals with digital imaging of
thousands of images. He has been scanning some of his own (excellent) work
in 120 film on the Nikon 8000 and printing on an Epson 2200 recently. He
showed me some of it yesterday and his comment was "these are better than I
can do in Ilfochrome...". And this guy is an expert Ilfochrome printer for
the last 20 years (well Ciba then). I have seen several exhibitions of his
work printed himself on Ciba/Ilfochrome, and they are stunning.

I think he may well sell off his Cibachrome processor etc...  for him,
digital has done it!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: filmscanners_owner@halftone.co.uk
> [mailto:filmscanners_owner@halftone.co.uk]On Behalf Of Johnny Johnson
> Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 10:37 AM
> To: tim@KairosPhoto.com
> Subject: [filmscanners] Re: Suggestions for scanning 4x5transparencies
> At 11:10 PM 10/25/02 -0500, Stan wrote:
> >Put another way, is it silly/unwise/profligate to spend more on a scanner
> >than the $399 or so for a 2450 if the printing device will be
> something like
> >a 2200 inkjet?
> Hi Stan,
> I had a friend scan a 2 1/4 slide on his Epson 2450.  Then I cut the trans
> down just enough that I could scan it on my Polaroid SS4000 at
> 4000spi.  Next I printed out crops from the scans on my Epson 1270 printer
> at a scale that would equate to a 13"x13" print of the full 2 1/4"
> slide.  If I remember correctly my friend used the Epson twain with the
> 2450 and I used Silverfast with the SS4000.  The colors from the two scans
> were slightly different, shadow detail was very similar, and the scan from
> the SS4000 was just a touch sharper but it wasn't anything that jumped out
> at you in the prints or on the screen.  In fact, it was hard for
> me to tell
> any difference in the details in the two prints when viewed from arms
> length.  I would think that there would be even less of a difference when
> scanning 4x5s.
> Here's a scan of the prints that I made for comparison.  They were printed
> on a single sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 Office Depot glossy paper.  The 2450 scans
> are at the top and the SS4000 scans are at the bottom.
> <http://home.attbi.com/~jjohnso4/Temp/TestPrint.jpg>
> Later,
> Johnny
> __________________________
> Johnny Johnson
> Lilburn, GA
> mailto:jjohnso4@attbi.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
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