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[filmscanners] RE: Couple of basic questions

filmscanners_owner@halftone.co.uk <> wrote:
> I have suggested this before to Adobe (in their 'suggestions for
> improvements' forum) and so far no luck.  I agree, it would be nice,
> especially for people with *aging* eyesight.  8)
> bob snow

I made the same criticisms and suggestions to Adobe several years ago
about how the clone tool circles and Xs disappear against certain color
backgrounds like light to medium gray.  I suggested that the make the
tool indicator change colors against those bacgrounds; or even better
and easier, that the make the cross consist of marching ants of two or
three different colors so as to show up against different color
backgrounds. So far no luck or response after at least two ne revised
versions since I made the suggestions and got a lot of support from
users on the Adobe Photoshop forum.

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