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[filmscanners] Re: SS120 Glass holder


I got one recently and yes, it's a pain in the you-know-what, but it
definitely was the answer as far as sharpness was concerned on my Xpan
panoramics.  I did notice a sort of newton ring on one of the images -
it was in an area I could just clone it out, but I wondered about that.
How would you describe your "mosaic" pattern? That sounds something
like tiling to me. If that's the case, I haven't seen that, at least
not yet.

On Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 08:14  AM, ""
<craig@aucklandphotographer.co.uk> wrote:

> I have seen a few posts regarding the holder and wanted to gauge others
> opinions about its effects on scanned images:
> I have used the holder since it was released; mainly to hold the film
> flat
> and to enable full frame scans without carving the edges of the other
> holders. I quickly found that the anti-newton glass created a
> mosaic/pattern
> (for want of a better description) on scans - this is much more
> pronounced
> on negatives than transparencies. Has anyone else experienced this? I
> now
> only use the holder in desperate situations and have found it to be an
> expensive waste of space..... I have printed the images (up to
> 40x30inch)
> and compared to images that were scanned without the glass holder the
> effect
> isn't immediately noticed but under careful inspection it can clearly
> be
> seen - since I noticed this I haven't really used the holder....
> Any thoughts?
> Craig
> Craig Auckland | Photographer
> [ Telephone ] +44 (0)7930 337 226
> [ Facsimile ] +44 (0)7931 607 428
> [ Electronic mail ] craig@aucklandphotographer.co.uk
> [ Online portfolio ] www.aucklandphotographer.co.uk
> The studio, 17 Elton Road, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 1NG, UK
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