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[filmscanners] RE: keeping the 16bit scans; now=HDlongevityOT

filmscanners_owner@halftone.co.uk <> wrote:

> BTW: a couple of years ago there was a story about big TV's left on
> stand by igniting, maybe because they collected a lot of dirt inside.
> Don't know if thsi was an urban legend or not

I do not know if it is an urban - or any other type of - legend either;
but it is possible that, if one is in a dusty environment or one which
has free roaming critters like roaches, a fire could get started not so
much from the heat of the electronics (if it is solid state)although
that is also possible I suppose as from a short circuit caused by the
critters or - to a much lesser extent - dust balls and debris that
contain moisture or metalic content.  Just a thought.

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