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[filmscanners] suggestions for scanning 16mm film?

  • To: lexa@www.lexa.ru
  • Subject: [filmscanners] suggestions for scanning 16mm film?
  • From: "HPA" <tom@historicphotoarchive.com>
  • Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 07:48:40 -0700
  • In-reply-to: <200306012316.QAA01987@technicaladvantage.net>
  • Unsubscribe: mailto:listserver@halftone.co.uk

I have much better luck using a digital camera.  I have a Nikon 885 and an
old Nikon slide copier to hold the film.  I use daylight, just point the
whole shebang out a window.  Gets a much better looking pic than a scan and
lots faster.  Use the highest res possible on your camera, should give you
five shots per card.  This is very fast, I make my ebay screen shots this
way.  I have also made 8x10 prints on Epson 2200, which are not particularly
sharp but are good for "hang on the refrigerator" quality, they would be
fine for stills from old home movies, etc.  best of luck
tom robinson

> From: filmscanners_Digest_owner@halftone.co.uk
> Reply-To: filmscanners@halftone.co.uk
> Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 00:00:01 +0100
> To: tom@HistoricPhotoArchive.com
> Subject: [filmscanners_Digest] filmscanners Digest for Mon 2 Jun, 2003
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Topic: Mac Hardware choice for Scan/Photoshop?
> =========================================
> Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2003 14:36:09 -0700
> From: Maaki <maaki@pacbell.net>
> ----------------------------------------
> Can anyone tell me which of the following would be preferable
> hardware for scanning and Photoshop work, (assuming the same RAM in
> all cases)?
> (1) a used beige G3/233 or 266?
> (2) the 9500 with a new G3/400 processor card?
> I've just bought my first scanner and have hired someone to scan some
> transparencies and slides and color correct the images. She knows all
> about the software, but nothing about the hardware. I know nothing
> about the scanning software or Photoshop. I already have the
> following Mac, to which I have added a FireWire Card  for connecting
> the Epson 3200 as well as a 120 GB FW HD for storing the scanned
> images.
> 9500/150 (upgraded from a 120MHz),
> 304 MB RAM
> 1GB IBM internal SCSI HD
> MacOS 9.1.
> The affordable choice I have now is to add a G4 processor to this Mac
> or to hunt for a used Beige G3 Mac.
> Any advice?
> -Maaki
> -=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-
> Topic: suggestions for scanning 16mm film?
> =====================================
> Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 21:50:35 -0700
> From: Dieder Bylsma <scanners@spacemoo.com>
> ----------------------------------------
> I've embarked on a somewhat dubious project of scanning in a roll of
> 16mm film. I figure I have about 4-5 metres of it to scan. Surely
> there is a way to do this in a more automatic fashion than what I
> have jury-rigged with my LS-4000, slide-film adapter and a long roll
> going through the scanner :-)
> so, any suggestions or am I looking at a manual scan for each frame/strip?
> (yes, the goal is to preserve the film in a continuous strip format)
> Dieder (questioning my sanity)
> -=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-

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