On 27/7/03 2:41, "David J. Littleboy" <davidjl@gol.com> wrote:
> "bryce hashizume" <bwv812@hotmail.com> asks:
> I know this is a little off topic, but I`ve noticed that we seem to have
> some members from Japan so I thought I might as well ask. Does anyone know a
> good USED camera store in Osaka? I`m mainly looking for some place that will
> have TLR`s, MF, and hopefully some Leica R equipment. Failing Osaka, anthing
> in the Kansai region is really ok, too.
> <<<<<<<<<<<<
> That's not my turf, but a quick check with St. Google turned up this neat
> page with two maps. If you don't read Japanese, print the maps out and
> compare them to some English maps. The main page has the addresses, phone
> numbers, and what days they're closed, so even if you don't read Japanese,
> you could print it out and accost passers by. (Some of these places are
> apparently hard to find, and the maps aren't all that helpful.)
> http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~hw6k-asi/work14osaka.html
> I haven't gotten any post for over a week - as far as I know, Apple hasn't had
any problems - I still get all my spam! Let me know.
> This lists 9 shops in the "Osaka Kita" (Osaka: north) area:
> http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~hw6k-asi/x14-osaka-k.gif
> (These shops are in the JR Osaka and Umeda station area. Number (3)
> advertises in the main magazines, number (2) specializes in classic cameras,
> number (6) has a lot of stuff but is pricey, number (7) has 3000 used
> cameras in stock.)
> And 13 shops in the "Osaka Minami" (Osaka: south) area:
> http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~hw6k-asi/x14-osaka-m.gif
> (The guy who wrote this page is fond of this part of town. Number (1) is
> recommended and has lots of stuff at good prices, number (2) is a large
> format specialty store with interesting LF lenses and is worth checking out
> for the fun of it, number (3) is next door to (2) and has some used stuff.
> Number (4) has Leica, Contax, and Rollei, number (7) is a monster store with
> used stuff on the 5th floor, number (8) specializes in Leica, number (10)
> has a great selection of new and used stuff, including Leica and Hassy,
> number 11 is small but has some rare/hard-to-find stuff, number 13 has a
> good selection.
> That should keep you busy for a couple of days<g>.
> Here's a table that rates used camera stores:
> http://www.shozo.jp/image/camera/top/osaka_page.html
> The four numbers are: Selection, price, service, and overall. Numbers (1)
> and (3) on the NORTH map above and number (1) on the South map rate best for
> selection.
> (Also good for selection are Hamamura Camera and Sanwa Shokai, but they're
> not on the maps.)
> David J. Littleboy
> davidjl@gol.com
> Tokyo, Japan
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