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[filmscanners] Re: Why DSLR ouput looks sharper?

At 10:02 PM -0400 9/12/03, Johnny Johnson wrote:
>At 07:10 PM 9/12/03 -0600, Berry Ives wrote:
>>I notice that there have been no comments at all on the new Olympus E-1
>>DSLR.  I guess it is too early for folks to have any experience with it.
>>They have an interesting take on digital, that the light hitting the chip
>>should be coming in perpendicularly, and not obliquely:  film grain is fine
>>with oblique light, but chips are not, they say.  So they built the camera
>>"from the ground up" as they said, optimized for digital and not trying to
>>use 35mm lenses.  Anyone bought it yet?
>Hi Berry,
>It's not on the market yet.  I believe the release date is a few weeks away.

A person on the Leica User's Group mailing list has one; he's got
connections to Olympus. Unfortunately, the pictures he's posted so
far have not been of the type to enable critical examination of the
benefits of the Olympus' optical designs.

    *            Henning J. Wulff
   /|\      Wulff Photography & Design
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