>With respect to file size to printers, Bob Frost, statement that
> desktop printers require 720 dpi for the file size is news to me.
I don't believe he said that they required the file be 720 ppi. I think
he said that the native resolution of Epson desktop inkjet printers is
720 ppi and that it will resample any file which it gets that has either
a lower or a higher resolution to that 720 ppi before processing it for
filmscanners_owner@halftone.co.uk <> wrote:
> Subject: [filmscanners] Re: [filmscanners_Digest] filmscanners Digest
> for Thu 23 Oct,2003
>> Topic: VueScan constant color
>> ========================
>> Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 16:54:28 +0200
>> From: "Tomek Zakrzewski" <tomzakrz@ka.onet.pl>
>> ----------------------------------------
>> I'm trying to find it in VueScan's help pages but cannot find it.
>> How to set VueScan so that it doesn't change color of scans when I go
>> through the whole film of images of similar type? (transparency)
>> I cannot fing any "lock color balance" button in VueScan.
>> I'm scanning in Color/Color Balance/White Balance Mode because I
>> cannot figure out how to use the Neutral and None modes.
>> Thank you in advance
>> Tomek
> In the input tab selsect lock exposure. when this is checked and you
> do an additional preview, you can lock the colour balance as well. I
> generally do scan with the white balance set, however I usually set
> it to somewhere between ,06 and .1. this works very well for my
> setup.
> With respect to file size to printers, Bob Frost, statement that
> desktop printers require 720 dpi for the file size is news to me. I
> still think that just because the printer lays down ink at anywhere
> between 720 and 2880 for matte paper does not mean I need to give it
> a file that size. Nothing I have read anywhere else seems to support
> this.nor does my own printing experience support it either. The
> discussions i have read with respect to desktop printers, was that
> any data greater than 360 dpi is discarded when the image is
> processed by the driver
> Jonathan
> --------------------------------------------------------------
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