lzw is a lossless compression and not a loosy compression like jpg so it is
n ot surprising that one can sometimes get larger file than an uncompressed
file. Since in some cases nothing is lost when there are few repetitive
patterns of data in the image file, the addition of metadata overhead will
make the file larger than if it had not been compressed at all. As often as
not, this has nothing to do with the gainy or noisy character of the scan or
the file per se.
-----Original Message-----
From: filmscanners_owner@halftone.co.uk
[mailto:filmscanners_owner@halftone.co.uk]On Behalf Of focus@adnc.com
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 3:01 PM
To: laurie@advancenet.net
Subject: [filmscanners] Re: FW: VueScan file size
What file format are you saving to?
The size VueScan gives you is the raw image size. The disk file size can be
mostly smaller, due to how the information is saved.
I have seen very grainy/noisy scans that when saved as tiff/lzw exhibit what
I call
"negative compression"--the compressed file is actually larger than an
uincompressed file!
The other possible culprit is that VueScan gives you the option to save as
16-bit and/or
with the infrared as a fourth channel.
I'm not sure that either of these would show up in the raw size, but they
would make the
file size go up
Thomas Maugham wrote:
> Sorry, that should read "119,885kb or 119.9mb".
> Tom
> -----Original Message-----
> From: filmscanners_owner@halftone.co.uk
> [mailto:filmscanners_owner@halftone.co.uk]On Behalf Of Thomas Maugham
> Sent: November 22, 2003 2:28 PM
> To: TMaugham@yahoo.com
> Subject: [filmscanners] VueScan file size
> I just scanned a negative and got the following information from
> VueScan: "5576 x 3669 pixels 4000 dpi 1.39 x 0.917 inch 92.1 mb". The
> size of the file on my hard drive is 119.885kb or about 119.9 mb. Why
> the discrepancy between what VueScan says the file size is versus the
> size on the hard drive?
> TIA,
> Tom
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