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[filmscanners] RE: Better DOF than Nikon?

Hi Paul,

You can probably buy a near perfect Leaf45 for around $1k.  They have quite
good DOF.



> My LS-2000 finally died, so I'm in the market for a replacement.
> However, I
> have tons of slides that survived a fire, and that have nasty
> curls to them,
> and the Nikon never did a good job on them anyway, due to its
> shallow DOF. I
> tried glass mounts, and got Newton rings, so I tried anti-Newton glass
> mounts, and got visible grain. What scanners in the $1000 range
> have greater
> DOF than the Nikon?
> --
> Ciao,               Paul D. DeRocco
> Paul                mailto:pderocco@ix.netcom.com

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