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[filmscanners] Re: Grain In scanned 35mm film

"Howard Grill" <hgrill1@verizon.net> asks:

How effective are products like Grain Surgery, Neat Image and Noise Ninja at
removing what appears to be film grain after sharpening images scanned at
4000 ppi.  My 35mm film is scanned on a Polaroid SS4000 Plus and taken on
Velvia and Provia...so the film is fine grained.  But I still find the grain
I see after scanning and processing as objectionable when I am making large
inkjet prints to 13x19 inches.  The grain does not appear to be problematic
at 8x10 type sizes.

NeatImage is quite effective at cleaning up 4000 dpi scanned Velvia 50 and
Reala noise, and I'd expect the others to be as well. Even if grain isn't
objectionable in the print, a pass with noise reduction can make your
sharpening more effective, so it really is worth it.

The more recent versions of NeatImage are said to be faster, but the version
I tried took over 30 minutes for a 645 frame. Ouch.

Still, very much worth trying. Most have free demo or home versions you can
play with.

David J. Littleboy
Tokyo, Japan

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