I have never noticed a rotation problem with my scanner (though I've
never done any scanning where lack of rotation would be critical),
and doubt that there is any mechanical adjustment designed for the
consumer to use. --Bill
At 5:55 PM -0400 8/5/04, W Shumaker wrote:
>I've asked this before, but got no information. I'm consistently
>getting a 0.5degree rotation to my images scanned with the
>LS-4000 scanner. It seems that there must be some
>mis-alignment with the scanning mechanism. I'm wondering
>if this is something that can be adjusted or not. It makes scanning
>xpan shots for stitching more difficult. Has anyone else experienced
>this problem? Any suggestions are very welcome.
Bill Fernandez * User Interface Architect * Bill Fernandez Design
(505) 346-3080 * bill_sub-AT-billfernandez-DOT-com *
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