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[filmscanners] Trying to track down a problem

I just received a rather unusual email, and am asking anyone who might
have been similarly involved to please email me.

On March 31st I sent a posting to this list under the thread
[filmscanners] Re: spam magnet, which was posted to the group at 2:41 AM.

 I recently received an email from someone who I was in correspondence
with over 4 years ago (one time) who sent me a copy of that posting
which he indicated he had just received as a personal email from the
email address I sent the posting from.  I have emailed him to ask him if
he was ever a member of the filmscanner list, and for the message source
header information, which I am waiting to see, but in the meantime, if
anyone else on this list has received an unsolicited email from me
coming from my email account, rather than this list (that would be from
artistik(at)shaw(dot)com), please email me, if possible, with the full
header., so I can try to determine what is going on.

Some very strange things are happening of late, and I need to try to
resolve this.

Thank you.


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