On Tue, Nov 09, 1999 at 12:09:20PM +0300, Victor Wagner wrote:
> Ну, во-первых, gif это не обязательно lzw.
Как это не lzw? Поясните, pls.
Cover Sheet for the GIF89a Specification
22. Table Based Image Data.
a. Description. The image data for a table based image consists of a
sequence of sub-blocks, of size at most 255 bytes each, containing an
index into the active color table, for each pixel in the image. Pixel
indices are in order of left to right and from top to bottom. Each index
must be within the range of the size of the active color table, starting
at 0. The sequence of indices is encoded using the LZW Algorithm with
variable-length code, as described in Appendix F
Eugene Berdnikov
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