Андрей, очень не здрАво писать русский текст в:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
виной всему было изменившееся с версии 4.60 поведение Pine: он стал
обворачивать все non-ASCII письма :
FEATURE: Downgrade-Multipart-To-Text
This feature affects Pine's behavior when sending mail. Internet standards
require Pine to translate all non-ASCII characters in messages that it sends
using MIME encoding. This encoding can be ostensibly broken for recipients
if any agent between Pine and the recipient, such as an email list expander,
appends text to the message, such as list information or advertising. When
sending such messages Pine attempts to protect such encoding by placing
extra MIME boundaries around the message text.
These extra boundaries are invisible to recipients that use MIME-aware email
programs (the vast majority). However, if you correspond with users of email
programs that are not MIME-aware, or do not handle the extra boundaries
gracefully, you can use this feature to prevent Pine from including the
extra MIME information. Of course, it will increase the likelihood that
non-ASCII text you send may appear corrupt to the recipient.
<End of help on this topic>
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Best regards,
Andrew Kopeyko <kaa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Head of NOC
Rambler Co. http://www.rambler.ru/
phone : +7 095 745-3619