> At 14:38 10.09.97 +0400, you wrote:
> >> CONSEQUENCES: These vary. On my FreeBSD 2.2 box I was able to eat up
> >> all memory and swap memory until the kernel spewed
> >> "out of swap space" errors and killed a few processes.
> >> It also eats up all available CPU space (up to 99.22%
> >> on my box). If repeated a few times you will no
> >> longer use up swap space and the processor usage will
> >> rocket and stay there for quite a while (hours).
> Вообще, я бы не разрешал процессам расти больше: чем заведомо свободный
> объем свопа.
Чем? Инструмент?
> А с таким ограничением ftpd в такой ситуации просто сдохнет. Неприятно, но
> не DoS
Basil (Vasily) Dolmatov dol@east.ru +7-095-956-4951
East Connection ISP, Moscow, Russia.
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