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[inet-admins] internic stats

В догонку к предыдущему письму, по поводу бардака в RIPE .

Полная инфа http://rs.internic.net/nic-support/nicnews/sep97/stats.html

вот выдержки:

Registration processing time frames
As of July 31, 1997, the backlog for manually processed requests was:
Domains - 2 Days
Hostmaster Questions - 1 day
Contact Templates - 1 day
Host Templates - 1 day
Billing email questions - 2 days
Faxes - 2 days
Notify - 4 days
Transfers - 2 days


Communication Received by InterNIC Registration Services

TypeNumber of contacts
E-mail to hostmaster@internic.net       558,630
Phone 48,980

These figures are cumulative from August 1993 through July, 1997 

Top-level domainNumber 
COM      1,435,667 
EDU            3,929
ORG         99,883
NET       108,556
GOV             623
Other           223
TOTAL 1,648,881

Кстати, бодяга между Alternet и Interic - началась ровно из-за этих цифр.
1435667+108556 ( COM & NET ) = 1544223
умножим на 50$ и получим 77,000,000 $ - неплохая сумма.


Ilya Shulman   ish@east.ru        +7-095-956-4951 ISH-RIPN
East Connection ISP, Moscow, Russia. http://www.east.ru
"inet-admins" Internet access mailing list. Maintained by East Connection ISP.
Mail "unsubscribe inet-admins" to Majordomo@east.ru if you want to quit.
List archive is accessible at http://www.east.ru/inet-admins/


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