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-----Original Message-----
From: Gustavo A. Lozano <glozano@COLINTER.NET>
Date: 1 ноября 1997 г. 1:02
Subject: Re: [seg-l] Passwords en Cisco (fwd)
>Gustavo A. Lozano.
>Internet de Colombia S.A.
>fingerprint = 74 37 A4 1F FA D3 B1 CC C2 E2 07 80 1E 0F 4A B6
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 23:40:12 +0100
>From: AcidGum <ACIDGUM@hotmail.com>
>Reply-To: seg-l@secnet.com
>To: seg-l@secnet.com
>Subject: Re: [seg-l] Passwords en Cisco
>edo@infocable.cl wrote:
>#! /bin/sh
>## Decrypts cisco "encrypted" passwords. Feed this confg files as
>## Anything that looks like a "type 7 encrypted" string gets decrypted.
>## This should really be a C program, but is presented as a script just
>## piss off a certain group of people. One beer, please...
>while read xx ; do
> case "$xx" in
> *d\ 7\ [01]??* ) ;;
> *) continue ;;
> esac
> DEC=`echo "$xx" | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/\(^..\).*/\1/'`
> DP1=`expr $DEC + 1`
> HEX=`echo "$xx" | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/^..\(..*\)/\1/'`
> echo 'dsfd;kfoA,.iyewrkldJKDHSUB' | cut -c "${DP1}-30" >
> echo '#' > /tmp/cis$$.in
> for xx in 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 21-22 ;
> echo "${HEX}" | cut -c $xx | sed -e '/^$/q' -e 's/^/0x/' >>
> done
> echo -n "${DEC}${HEX}: "
> data -g < /tmp/cis$$.in | xor /tmp/cis$$.pad
> echo ''
>rm -f /tmp/cis$$.pad /tmp/cis$$.in
>exit 0
># Discussion:
># When "service password-encryption" is configured into a cisco router
># the configuration subsequently viewed, the passwords are no longer
># as plaintext but as strings of randomish-looking garbage. Analysis of
># several samples reveals the scrambling algorithm to be trivially weak.
># Dr. Delete derived and published an analysis and decryption program
># time ago, but since that didn't seem to be generally available at the
># I went looking for it, here is an independent explanation. This was
># out on PAPER over a plate of nachos in a hotel bar in downtown LA, but
># still illustrates where a general-purpose "xor" handler can be useful
># quickly cracking lame "proprietary" algorithms of this genre.
># Passwords can be up to eleven mixed-case characters. In the
># representation, the first two bytes of the long string are a random
># offset between 0 and 15 into a magic block of characters, and the
># bytes are ascii-hex representations of the password bytes xored
># the character-block bytes from the given offset on down. The
># block is "dsfd;kfoA,.iyewrkldJKDHSUB", which is enough for a
># password at the maximum offset.
># Another character block consisting of "sgvca69834ncxv9873254k;fg87" is
># located after the first one in the IOS image, which may be relevant to
># something else and is simply mentioned here for posterity. It is also
># interesting to note that the strings "%02d" and "%02x" occur
># afterward, which in light of the above is another clue.
>> >
>> > > Edo.
>> >
>> >
>> > quieres que las password en un router cisco no se vean
>> desencriptadas?
>> >
>> > si es eso lo que quieres usa el comando:
>> >
>> > service password-encription
>> No era precisamente eso , sino mas bien el metodo de encriptacion que
>> usan , de hecho me encontre que no es similar [ en unix x ej algo
>> normal
>> seria zdDlhM3s9LPzK , pero en cisco el formato es 04025D0319731D ] y
>> quisiera saber cual en si es la diferencia , y si por ejemplo el
>> crack
>> es capaz de detectar este algoritmo. A todo esto ese formato me sale
>> al crear acceso a usuarios ppp/slip .
>> > Hernan
>> Saludos
>> Edo.
>* Espero esto sea lo ke buscas.
>Saludos AcidGum
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