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Re: [inet-admins] Netflow IP accounting and IP protocol numbers (fwd)

> Hi,
> К вопросам об account'инге - я 20 минут назад у себя такую штучку приделал
> =)
А  когда это ВАУ  netflow поимел ?
Или они IOS отпортили ?

Да, еще весьма забавно было почитать как трудно товaрищу Simon Leinen
разбираться с pasv ftp sessions, но вот беда - читал я это в наноге
(я думаю что и большинство здесь присутствуующих и желающих прочитать
тоже имели счастье ознакомится с сим mesg). Поэтлму вопрос - нужны ли
такие полные crossposts ?

А теперь вопрос к Виктору:  так как многоуважаемый дон имеет счастье жить на ВАУ то было бы интересно  услышать Ваш рассказ о подобного рода features  у BAY 
  и интересно былобы глянуть на euristic engine по разборке траффика (может быть там действительно есть чтото разумное что можно прикрутить к  "Cискоу Mаршрутизаторы" ;)
> Best regards,
> Victor L. Belov @ Teleport-TP NOC
> scream@teleport-tp.net
> http://nms.teleport-tp.net/
> +7 095 234 7000 Ext #13
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:05:33 +0100
> From: Simon Leinen <simon@limmat.switch.ch>
> To: steven hessing <stevenh@inet.unisource.nl>
> Cc: nanog@merit.edu, netmaster@inet.unisource.nl
> Subject: Netflow IP accounting and IP protocol numbers
> When analyzing Netflow accounting data, we also found much traffic
> with UDP and TCP port numbers that couldn't be attributed to specific
> applications.
> One important contributor to this are FTP transfers that don't use the
> FTP-data port (TCP 20).  I assume that this happens when a client uses
> PASV (passive-mode FTP).  This accounts for the majority of "unknown
> TCP ports" traffic between SWITCH and the rest of the Internet.
> Since we have our own software to process Netflow accounting packets,
> I added the following heuristics to the program:
> * When we see a TCP flow with unknown TCP port numbers, count it as
>   "unknown TCP" traffic for now, but make a note containing the IP
>   source and destination address, start/end time, and packet/byte
>   counts (well we only count bytes not packets).
> * When we see a TCP flow with either port 21 (FTP control), then we
>   look whether we find notes about that particular pair of
>   source/destination IP address that correspond to the lifetime of the
>   FTP-control flow.  If so, we assume that those "unknown TCP" flows
>   were actually FTP data transfers, and reclassify them as such.
> The cost of this consists of storing some data about the "TCP unknown"
> flows for 30 minutes (somewhat more depending on the time slicing of
> your traffic counting) and doing a table lookup whenever FTP control
> flows are seen.
> We found that the number of such flows is sufficiently low, and the
> amount of traffic they represent sufficiently high, for this to work
> and be worth the effort.
> An important win is that the remaining "unknown TCP" traffic can be
> investigated much more efficiently once you get rid of this FTP
> traffic.
> -- 
> Simon.
> =============================================================================
> "inet-admins" Internet access mailing list. Maintained by East Connection ISP.
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"inet-admins" Internet access mailing list. Maintained by East Connection ISP.
Mail "unsubscribe inet-admins" to Majordomo@info.east.ru if you want to quit.


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