-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Denninger <karl@mcs.net>
To: Jon Lewis <jlewis@inorganic5.fdt.net>
Cc: nanog@merit.edu <nanog@merit.edu>
Subject: Re: backbone transparent proxy / connection hijacking
>On Thu, Jun 25, 1998 at 07:49:30PM -0400, Jon Lewis wrote:
>> On Thu, 25 Jun 1998, Karl Denninger wrote:
>> > > I wouldn't have a problem with Digex setting up some web caches and
>> > > encouraging customers to setup their own caches and have them talk to the
>> > > Digex ones via ICP...but caching everything without our knowledge/consent
>> > > stinks.
>> >
>> > Sigh...... why did I know this kind of crap (hijacking connections) was
>> > going to start. Grrr.....
>> It's a good thing we got our own CIDR block when renumbering out of uunet
>> space. If Digex doesn't reconsider this new policy, I'll be looking for
>> quotes on non-proxied transit (T1 or Frame T1) in Gainesville, FL.
>Well, I'd love to know where they think they get the authority to do this
>from in the first place.... that is, absent active consent.
>I'd be looking over contracts and talking to counsel if someone tried this
>with transit connections that I was involved in. Hijacking a connection
>without knowledge and consent might even run afoul of some kind of tampering
>or wiretapping statute (read: big trouble).....
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