Гмм, последние два абзаца _очень_ важные.
И четко отражают ( IMHO ) основную суть противоречия.
btw: господам из Комстара.
на сегодняшний день наш прокси сцеплен с проксей
Rineta и DF ... и сделано это по собственному желанию.
99% , если бы нам было предложено сцепиться с вашим,
мы бы это тоже сделали..
Но, вы пошли своим путем.
Ilya Shulman ish@east.ru +7-095-956-4951 ISH-RIPN
East Connection ISP, Moscow, Russia. http://www.east.ru
-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Sena <ras@poppa.clubrich.tiac.net>
To: nanog@merit.edu <nanog@merit.edu>
Subject: Re: backbone transparent proxy / connection hijacking
>The Vixie Interceptor is really the only product on the market that
>handles this particualr situation correctly - it is a fine product in that
>respect. Paul and his group - worked thorugh that issue with very fine
>To the best of my knowledge Digex is using the Inktomi/Alteon solution.
>On 25 Jun 1998, Paul Vixie wrote:
>> Odd. The box we used to sell through Mirror Image Internet has no problems
>> reaching Cybercash's site -- though I'll admit that we had a lot of angry
>> customers for a long time while we found all the wierd little unspecified
>> protocol violations that "just work" if no "hijacking" takes place.
>> I don't think Digex is using one of our boxes, and if they are using one
>> of the "just run Inktomi software on a Solaris box and put an Alteon next
>> to it" then there are going to be some wierd little unspecified protocol
>> violations that only Alteon, and a new protocol between Alteon and Inktomi,
>> could fix. (Our box integrates forwarding and "hijacking" and this is why.)
>> The box we built was designed for access providers -- you know, put 1,000
>> modems in a room and sell dialup accounts. It works fine in that context.
>> And, dialup users are usually not terribly deep as technologists, and they
>> are used to having their bits mutilated in the great cause of "overcommit."
>> While a T1 data rate would present no real problem, a T1 customer who would
>> usually recognize what was happening to them AND care about it, *would*
>> represent a problem. And besides, a T1 customer would probably be willing
>> and able to use ICP or at least run their own local cache and point their
>> browsers at it nontransparently.
>I am nothing if not net-Q! - ras@poppa.clubrich.tiac.net
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