Ilya Shulman ish@east.ru +7-095-956-4951 ISH-RIPN
East Connection ISP, Moscow, Russia. http://www.east.ru
-----Original Message-----
From: 'Doc' Don Taylor <docdon@pobox.com>
To: list@inet-access.net <list@inet-access.net>;
isp-marketing@isp-marketing.com <isp-marketing@isp-marketing.com>
Date: 18 îêòÿáðÿ 1998 ã. 22:35
Subject: Jon Postel Dead at 55
>How will this impact the rnet naming organization? Do we have a power void?
>Does this make for a conspiracy theory?
>Y2k Continuity is my business. How can I help you "keep the lights on"?
>Is your business Y2k-ready? Ask 'Doc' Don about a check-up.
>+1.757.877.4992 docdon@pobox.com
> Now maintaining The Year 2000 FAQ
> <ftp://www.year2000.com/pub/year2000/y2kfaq.txt>
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>Eat sushi frequently. inet@inet-access.net is the human contact address.
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