естессно с привязкой маков к портам.
On 06 Jul, 2000 at 14:29:25, Eugeny Kuzakov wrote:
> Philipp PatrushOFF wrote:
> >
> > hi,
> >
> > угу, но в случае cо свитчем это не катит а ип адреса все одно можно менять очень легко.
> а причём тут свич? побарабану, если у тебя свич не крутой. позволяет
> привязять маки к портам.
> --
> Best wishes,
> Eugeny Kuzakov, SA
> ITBank, Omsk
> ----
> If God had meant for us to be naked, we would have been born that way.
> =============================================================================
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Best regards,
If all the salmon caught in Canada in one year were laid end to end
across the Sahara Desert, the smell would be absolutely awful.
Philipp V. Patrushoff (FIL1-RIPE), System Administrator,
Russia-On-Line, Golden Telecom Inc. St.Peterburg, Russia.
Voice: +7 812 113 4712 Fax: +7 812 110 5764
"inet-admins" Internet access mailing list. Maintained by East Connection ISP.
Mail "unsubscribe inet-admins" to Majordomo@info.east.ru if you want to quit.
Archive is accessible on http://info.east.ru/rus/inetadm.html