- интегрирован с tac_plus.F4.0.4.alpha. см. tac_plus/CHANGES.
- исправлена ошибка в parrot.1 (сообщил Дмитрий Сырцов
- в dynipd logout notification не работал, если на машине host byte
orger отличался ot network (thanks to "Vitaly M. Shugaylo"
- dynipd: invalidate'ить треть пула - много, лучше поменьше: 1/3 -> 1/8
("Vitaly M. Shugaylo" <vital@infinity.kiev.ua>).
- исправлен редко проявляющийся баг в report.c, приводивший к core
dump (Taras Heychenko <tasic@lucky.net>).
- fixed logtac/unlogtac
- added login notification message from tacacs to dynipd
- extended protocol between tacacs and dynipd: send nas info (nas_ip/tty)
for each address request and login notification. dynipd checks this
info to exclude the possibility of "ip address leaks": since dynipd
started to support several IPs per one username, update requests
leaded to allocation of new IPs, which resulted in "ip address leaks".
- dynipd will reuse allocated IP which was not confirmed (via login
notification) within 20 secs (e.g. when a modem line drops between
authorization and accounting stages). this excludes the danger of "ip
address leaks" (together with sending nas info).
- dynipd logs made a bit more verbose.
- reg_nas_users sends login notifications to dynipd (verifies user's
ip address via rsh)
- acctd logs made a bit less verbose (checks for various limits).
Andy Igoshin <ai@vsu.ru> Voronezh State University
Phone: +7 (0732) 522406 Network Operation Center
Fax: +7 (0732) 789820 Voronezh, Russia
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