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Re: Re[2]: [inet-admins] BGP4
память занимаймую BGP проще смотреть по sh proc mem т.к. по sh ip bgp тебе
показывают только размер BGP таблицы. А тебе надо еще учитывать размер и
собственно таблицы маршрутизации
пример таблица BGP = 30M+1.5M+1.1M + мелочь = 34-35М
а процес BGP занимает в памяти 150М ... вот такто ... правда роутер получает
full table от 7 соседей :)
r-mi102>sh ip bgp sum
BGP table version is 2708623, main routing table version 2708623
90564 network entries and 610201 paths using 30389688 bytes of memory
32248 BGP path attribute entries using 1547904 bytes of memory
18 BGP rrinfo entries using 432 bytes of memory
16132 BGP AS-PATH entries using 398940 bytes of memory
7 BGP community entries using 168 bytes of memory
18 BGP route-map cache entries using 288 bytes of memory
70081 BGP filter-list cache entries using 1121296 bytes of memory
BGP activity 110792/20228 prefixes, 1264977/654776 paths
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down
x.x.x.x 4 xxxx 229978 411481 2708539 0 0 2d22h 86307
x.x.x.x 4 xxxx 241011 446775 2708539 0 0 2d22h 86305
x.x.x.x 4 xxxx 298717 405363 2708539 0 0 2d22h 87112
x.x.x.x 4 xxxx 20469 959442 2708622 0 0 2d22h 3619
x.x.x.x 4 xxxx 910513 739080 2708622 0 0 2d23h 85764
x.x.x.x 4 xxxx 608392 644460 2708622 0 0 2d22h 86715
x.x.x.x 4 xxxx 905518 726737 2708622 0 0 2d23h 85708
x.x.x.x 4 xxxx 4354 960591 2708622 0 0 2d09h 30
x.x.x.x 4 xxxx 4325 807965 2708622 0 0 2d23h 4
x.x.x.x 4 xxxx 340798 419984 2708539 0 0 2d22h 87112
x.x.x.x 4 xxxx 4314 6270 2708566 0 0 2d23h 107
x.x.x.x 4 xxxx 8395 10173 2708622 0 0 2d23h 1311
r-mi102>sh proc mem
Total: 247852160, Used: 172887648, Free: 74964512
PID TTY Allocated Freed Holding Getbufs Retbufs Process
98 0 519533892 309370656 7206528 0 0 OSPF Router
99 0 1321640832 9477924 149279248 0 0 BGP Router
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vladimir Litovka" <>
To: "Basil Dolmatov" <>
Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2000 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [inet-admins] BGP4
On Sun, 5 Nov 2000, Sergey A Nasedkin wrote:
> Ну не с точностью же до одного !
> Сколько тысяч-то прикинуть можно ?
cisco>sh ip bgp sum
[ ... ]
92511 network entries and 152047 paths using 14447259 bytes of memory
50010 BGP path attribute entries using 2602756 bytes of memory
23130 BGP AS-PATH entries using 796694 bytes of memory
72 BGP community entries using 2324 bytes of memory
12488 BGP route-map cache entries using 199808 bytes of memory
[ ... ]
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down
X.X.X.X 4 XXXXX 651784 10202 2570492 0 0 1d22h 92209
cisco>sh mem sum
Head Total(b) Used(b) Free(b) Lowest(b)
Processor 61AABAC0 97862976 87835928 10027048 2675136 2723120
I/O 7800000 8388608 1480536 6908072 6785480 6908028
> 128М для кошки - верно?
Vladimir Litovka <>
. Phone/Fax: +380 44 4900111
. ICQ/none, talk/none ;)
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