----- Original Message -----
From: "Basil Dolmatov" <dol@demos.su>
To: <inet-admins@info.east.ru>
Sent: 3 декабря 2001 г. 13:21
Subject: RE: [inet-admins] Portware upload to 36xx 30DM
> >
> > а reload ей надо после этого? а то фо флэше портварь уже 4й день лежит:
> Непременно... Это ж 36xx, а не 53xx
Уже сделали, правда в 12.2(4)Т ;)
Actually, in 12.2(4)T, the 3600 *does* support reloading MICA
on an per-NM basis, without rebooting. (The "modem firmware"
> 1. Download the correct Mica portware to your tftp server. Mica
portware can be downloaded from the following URL:
> 2. Copy the portware to the flash memory of your Cisco 3600 series
router via tftp.
> 3. Enter the router's global configuration mode and enter the
following command:
> modem firmware slot xx location flash:portware_file_name
> The portware will be immediately loaded into the specified digital modem
network module and you will see the following messages:
> This command will disconnect any active calls.
> Modem Slot 3 :Started firmware download.
> Modem Slot 3: Completed firmware download
> 4. Once the portware download is complete, the file will remain in
flash and will be automatically reloaded into the Network Module in the case
of a router reboot.
New feature однако ;)
Andrey Kostin, ankost@lightcom.ru +7-095-956-4951
Lightcom Corp. http://www.lightcom.ru
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