The RPR and FSU features are available on the Cisco 7505 and 7513 routers.
The router is loaded with two route switch processors (RSPs), which can be
two RSP8s, two RSP4/4+s, or a combination of RSP2s and RSP4/4+s.
Single Line Card Reload (SLCR) - Cisco IOS versions 12.0(13)S, 12.1(4)T,
and 12.1(5)E
Route Processor Redundancy (RPR) - Cisco IOS versions 12.0(16) ST
Fast Software Upgrade (FSU)- Cisco IOS versions 12.0(16) ST
Ктото эти RPR и FSF реально пробовал? Оно работает как обещают (30 sec
downtime при переезде на другую версию IOS-а впечатляют)? Или как обычно?
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