On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 02:17:45AM +0200, Dmitri Kalintsev wrote:
>"Source Class Usage (SCU)--SCU, like Destination Class Usage (DCU), allows
>you to define certain traffic as a group and monitor that traffic using
>accounting profiles. SCU performs a lookup on the source address, making it
>possible to track traffic heading from the provider core to the customer
>edge. To set up standard SCU accounting, you create policy-based options
>(such as community, AS-paths, prefix route filters, and so on) for grouping
>traffic in a policy statement at the [edit policy-options] hierarchy level,
>define and name either a source-class, forwarding-class, or
>destination-class, apply the policy at the [edit routing-options
>forwarding-table] hierarchy level, and enable source-class-usage accounting
>on both the inbound and outbound physical interfaces at the [edit interfaces
>interface-name unit logical-unit- number family inet] hierarchy level. To
>establish accounting profiles based on SCU source classes, you must also
>configure the accounting profile at the [edit accounting-options
>class-usage-profile] hierarchy level, associating it with either an SCU
>source class or a DCU destination class. [Feature Guide, Network Management,
>Policy Framework]"
Уффф. Если позволите - вопрос, правильно ли понимать, что используя SCU/DCU
на Juniper-е штатными средствами на customer interface-е можно считать
ушедший в/пришедший от customer-а траффик, с src/dst адресами, маркированными
в локальной BGP таблице данного маршрутизатора некоторыми community атрибутами?
(понимаю, звучит бредово, но .... можно?)
Кстати, у Juniper-а чтото типа traffic-shape есть?
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