Имеется ввиду C&W в Москве? Я, а в чем проблема?
On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Alexey V.Moiseev wrote:
> А кто в C&W рулит BGP ?
> Никто не знает емейла ?
> WBR, Alexey V.Moiseev, AVM16-RIPN, AVM50-RIPE
> Inet Communications ISP, Podolsk, Moscow Rgn Phone +7 0967 681111
> http://www.inetcomm.net , ICQ # 170393972
> =============================================================================
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Dmitry Asmolov
Data IP Engineer
Cable & Wireless CIS
ph. +7 (095) 797 9168
ph. +7 (095) 258 0450
fax. +7 (095) 258 0449
e-mail: Dmitry.Asmolov@cw.com
"inet-admins" Internet access mailing list. Maintained by East Connection ISP.
Mail "unsubscribe inet-admins" to Majordomo@info.east.ru if you want to quit.
Archive is accessible on http://info.east.ru/rus/inetadm.html