On Fri, 24 Mar 2006 17:33:55 +0300
"Andrey Zimin" <horgi@xxxxxx> wrote:
Вообщем думаю, что нужно как минимум согласие и желание
во всем этом участвовать.
Обсуждаемый согласился на это полгода назад и просит всех
поддержать его хотя бы на этапе номинации, кто сможет
через прокси голосование,
и на GM, что я прекрасно понимаю маловероятно.
Потом уже от него же програмное заявление в каком
и над чем он собирается работать.
Это работа в наблюдательном совете, контроль за
деятельностью ассоциации (в данном случае RIPE) в
соответствии с задачами организации, назначение
менеджмента, в ряде случаев представительство.
Конечно, разрешение конфликтов в ассоциации и возникающих
Несколько раз 3 год надо приезжать на очные
сборы для принятия решений по бюджету и контролю его
исполнения, по соглашениям и сделкам - остальное заочно с
Ну и поддержка организации в переговорах и взаимодействии
с внешним миром.
Контроль за финансово-хозяйственной деятельностью также
влечет и ответсвенность executive board в соответствии с
Годовой финотчет утверждается board-ом.
Привожу соотв. статьи Устава
Article 10 - Duties of the executive board. Representation
1. Subject to the restrictions under the articles of
association the executive board shall be entrusted with
the management of the association, including but not
limited to the adoption and, where necessary, amendment of
the budget and Activity Plan.
The executive board can, at their discretion, consult the
members about any decisions they plan to take. The manner
of consultation shall be laid down in regulations by the
voting committee as referred to in article 20.
2. The executive board shall have full authority provided
there are at least two members of the executive board
left. If there are less than three members left the
executive board shall as soon as possible convene a
general meeting in which one or more new members of the
executive board can be appointed.
3. The executive board has, subject to the prior approval
of the general meeting, authority to resolve to enter into
agreements to purchase, dispose of or encumber registered
property or to enter into agreements by which the
association commits itself as guarantor or joint and
several debtor, warrants performance by a third party or
undertakes to provide security for a debt of a third
party. The said approval shall also apply to the authority
to represent the association in respect of such acts.
4. The executive board shall be authorised to represent
the association. Two members of the executive board,
acting jointly, are also authorised to represent the
However, in all matters in which the association has a
conflict of interest with one or more members of the
executive board, the general meeting may designate one or
more persons in order to represent the association.
5. Acts by the association intended to have legal effect
against a member of the association or a member of the
executive board shall be put in writing.
Article 11 - Management
1. The executive board will appoint a management,
consisting of one or more persons who are employed by the
The executive board will delegate to the management all
operational decisions in respect of standard
The executive board will take care of the adoption of an
arbitration procedure for the settlement of disputes
regarding decisions of the management in respect of
standard service-agreements between Contributors and/or
members of the association on the one hand and the
management on the other. This adoption of an arbitration
procedure may only take place after the executive board
has consulted the members.
The executive board is authorised to delegate other powers
to the management and to give a limited power to one or
more members of the management to represent the
2. The chair of the management will be invited to attend
the meetings of the executive board.
3. The executive board shall determine the remuneration
and further conditions of employment for each member of
the management.
4. The executive board may lay down regulations regarding
the duties of the management or the members of the
Article 12 - Approval of decisions of the executive board
1. The general meeting is entitled to require resolutions
of the executive board - other than those mentioned in
article 10 clause 3 - to be subject to its approval. These
resolutions shall be clearly specified and notified to the
executive board in writing.
2. The lack of approval referred to in paragraph 1 of this
article does not affect the authority of the executive
board or its members to represent the association.
Article 14 - Annual Report
1. The executive board shall keep such notes in respect of
the financial position of the association as enables its
rights and obligations to be ascertained at any time.
2. At a general meeting held within six months after the
end of the financial year, unless this period had been
extended by the general meeting, the executive board shall
submit an annual report on the course of business of the
association and on the policy conducted.
It shall submit the balance sheet and the statement of
income and expenditure with notes and a certificate in
respect of the correctness of the documents from an
accountant as referred to in article 393 paragraph 1 of
the Civil Code for the approval of the meeting. These
documents shall be signed by the members of the executive
board; if one or more signatures is missing, this shall be
stated giving the reasons therefor. After expiration of
such period every member of the association may commence
proceedings against all the members of the executive board
for the enforcement of these obligations.
3. The executive board shall keep the records referred to
in the previous clauses of this article for ten years.
Это о сути деятельности.
Выступать с какими-то политическими заявлениями (громкими
словами о развитии Интернета) - смысла не вижу - основное
- это
- обеспечение стабильной и устойчивой деятельности
ассоциации с учетом необходимого развития и в соответствии
с ее задачами,
Проблем - я думаю - еще хватит в свете относительно
неопределенного будущего ICANN и желания ряда стран
вмешиваться в техническую политику и экономику Интернета.
Думаю, что проблемы будут не только со стороны
Моя позиция по вопросам взаимоотношения гос и
саморегулирования, надеюсь, известна.
Естественно, хотелось бы хоть немного активизировать ваше
участие там, где оно, конечно, может быть вам интересно.
К сожалению, за последние годы наблюдаю минимальное
участие в международном саморегулировании. Хотелось бы
сдвинуть - но это не самоцель.
Речь, выборную для GM, честно говорю - еще не писал.
Излагал очень кратко и пунктиром - если возникают вопросы
- готов ответить.
С уважением,
Dmitry Burkov
А вот уже за тем поддержка или не поддержка от
конкретных LIR-ов.
И боюсь нац. гордость здесь не будет определяющим
Это точно - в живую мне убеждать европейцев.
Хотя верю, что обсуждаемый вполне бы мог быть достойным
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