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     АРХИВ :: Inet-Admins
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Re[2]: [inet-admins] bl.spamcop.net

Hello ,

У них нет просто выбора, если подумать.
Ведь   это  по-моему  проблема  именно  неправильной  настройки  (или
программирования) сервера. Если сервер выдает ошибку сразу в SMTP - то
отлупов сервером не посылается.
Ведь   действительно   если  поразмыслить  -  то  посылать  отлуп  на
непроверенный  адрес  "MAIL FROM" - это маразм. Я могу сделать робота,
который   завалит   любого  человека  письмами  от  разных  систем.  И
защититься от этого будет очень сложно.

Friday, September 29, 2006, 10:49:12 AM, you wrote:

> Victor Sudakov wrote:
>> Коллеги, какая репутация у bl.spamcop.net?
>> Вменяемы ли хозяева?
>> Лично мне внесение в dnsbl по такому критерию:
>>   System has sent mail to SpamCop spam traps in the past week (spam
>>   traps are secret, no reports or evidence are provided by SpamCop)
>> кажется сомнительным, но может я ошибаюсь?

> Я отказался от spamcop несколько месяцев назад.
> Меня не устраивает вот это:

> Q: Why not allow bounces? They are required by RFC822!
> A: Originally, SpamCop made attempts to forgive misdirected bounce
> messages - to reject them as evidence of spam. However, there are
> two factors conspiring to force us to rescind this policy. First of
> course, is that these misdirected messages *are* spam as we define
> it (Unsolicited Bulk Mail). They are objectionable to recipients and
> can even cause denial of service to innocent third parties. Users of
> our blocking service want us to stop them.

> Second is that spammers have taken advantage of this policy,
> disguising their spam as bounce messages in order to avoid SpamCop.
> If we did not change the policy, this would become a highly popular way to 
> "beat SpamCop".

> Although bounces are required, it is possible to avoid the
> situation under which they are required (see above). So they aren't
> really required unless you have already 'painted yourself into a corner.'

> =============================================================================
> "inet-admins" Internet access mailing list. Maintained by East Connection ISP.
> Mail "unsubscribe inet-admins" to Majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx if you want to quit.
> Archive is accessible on http://info.east.ru/rus/inetadm.html

/ Pavel Merdin

"inet-admins" Internet access mailing list. Maintained by East Connection ISP.
Mail "unsubscribe inet-admins" to Majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx if you want to quit.
Archive is accessible on http://info.east.ru/rus/inetadm.html


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