"2007/01/10 07:14:05 [emerg] 8280#0: no "events" section in configuration
2007/01/10 07:14:17 [emerg] 8282#0: bind() to failed (98:
Address already in use)
2007/01/10 07:14:17 [emerg] 8282#0: bind() to failed (98:
Address already in use)
2007/01/10 07:14:17 [emerg] 8282#0: bind() to failed (98:
Address already in use)
2007/01/10 07:14:17 [emerg] 8282#0: bind() to failed (98:
Address already in use)
2007/01/10 07:14:17 [emerg] 8282#0: bind() to failed (98:
Address already in use)
2007/01/10 07:14:17 [emerg] 8282#0: still could not bind()
2007/01/10 07:16:10 [emerg] 8296#0: no "events" section in configuration
2007/01/10 07:20:39 [emerg] 8362#0: no "events" section in configuration
2007/01/10 07:25:08 [emerg] 8437#0: no "events" section in configuration
2007/01/10 07:25:18 [emerg] 8438#0: no "events" section in configuration
2007/01/10 07:27:41 [emerg] 8468#0: no "events" section in configuration
2007/01/10 07:37:27 [emerg] 8647#0: no "events" section in configuration
2007/01/10 07:37:37 [emerg] 8649#0: no "events" section in configuration
2007/01/10 07:42:13 [emerg] 8753#0: no "events" section in configuration
2007/01/10 17:14:20 [emerg] 12608#0: no "events" section in configuration
2007/01/10 17:14:37 [emerg] 12610#0: no "events" section in configuration
2007/01/10 17:26:11 [emerg] 12768#0: no "events" section in configuration
2007/01/10 17:26:27 [emerg] 12770#0: no "events" section in configuration
2007/01/10 17:27:48 [emerg] 12778#0: no "events" section in configuration
2007/01/10 17:27:59 [emerg] 12780#0: no "events" section in configuration
2007/01/10 17:46:31 [emerg] 13033#0: bind() to failed (98:
Address already in use)
2007/01/10 17:46:31 [emerg] 13033#0: bind() to failed (98:
Address already in use)
2007/01/10 17:46:31 [emerg] 13033#0: bind() to failed (98:
Address already in use)
2007/01/10 17:46:31 [emerg] 13033#0: bind() to failed (98:
Address already in use)
2007/01/10 17:46:31 [emerg] 13033#0: bind() to failed (98:
Address already in use)
2007/01/10 17:46:31 [emerg] 13033#0: still could not bind()
2007/01/10 17:46:45 [emerg] 13035#0: bind() to failed (98:
Address already in use)
2007/01/10 17:46:45 [emerg] 13035#0: bind() to failed (98:
Address already in use)
2007/01/10 17:46:45 [emerg] 13035#0: bind() to failed (98:
Address already in use)
2007/01/10 17:46:45 [emerg] 13035#0: bind() to failed (98:
Address already in use)
2007/01/10 17:46:45 [emerg] 13035#0: bind() to failed (98:
Address already in use)
2007/01/10 17:46:45 [emerg] 13035#0: still could not bind()"
2007/1/10, Alexey Kovyrin <alexey@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
On 1/10/07, Modus operandi Design <vipcenter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Никак не удается подружить nginx и панель управления сервером DirectAdmin
> Дано:
> Fedora Core 5
> DirectAdmin
> Apache 1.3.37
> PHP 5.2.0
> Два IP: один основной и один shared
> порт 8080 занят под Oracle
> Нигде ничего нет по этому поводу, а документация на на эту
> тему молчит,
> везде все в основном про BSD или про конфигурации на чистый сервер без
> панелей управления,
> Может кто поделиться опытом или подскажет что стоящее - поверьте уже
> десятки вариантов перепробовали и не хочет работать.
Странное описание пролбемы. Извините, сейчас праздники - все телепаты
поразъехались. Может позже кто-нибудь появится.
А если серьезно, старайтесь смотреть на описание проблемы со стороны
человека, который не знает, что у вас не выходит. Как минимум,
используйте технические термины, а не "подружить" и абстрактное "не
Alexey Kovyrin