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<!--#if expr="${REQUEST_URI} = /" -->

Добрый вечер. Если судить по документации
должна отрабатываться конструкция

<!--#if expr="${REQUEST_URI} = /" -->
<!--#include virtual="./a.ssi"-->
<!--#endif -->

но в логе имеем
2007/04/19 23:34:43 [error] 33964#0: *1067 invalid context of SSI command: "endif" while sending response to client, client:, server: www, URL: "/", subrequest: "/include/common/menu_bottom.html", host: "www"

Зато отрабатывает такая конструкция:
<!--#if expr="${REQUEST_URI} = \/" -->
<!--#include virtual="./a.ssi"-->
<!--#endif -->

Так и должно быть?

FreeBSD strong 5.3-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-p5 #0: Fri Feb 4 19:19:52 MSK 2005 root@strong:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/STRONG i386
Собран штатно из портов.
Configuration summary
 + threads are not used
 + using system PCRE library
 + OpenSSL library is not used
 + md5 library is not used
 + sha1 library is not used
 + using system zlib library

Alex Storm, system administrator
Federal State Unitary Enterprise "The Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company"


Copyright © Lexa Software, 1996-2009.