добрый день,
вот решил отказаться от апача и поставить nagios под nginx. для cgi,
где-то на китайском сайте, нашел модуль для прикручивания cgi файлов,
как fastcgi. вроди всё хорошо работало, пока не дошло до post
запросов. подскажите куда копать, ну уж очень не хочется вешать апач (
* perl-cgi.pl - скрипт, который вешается в виде fcgi сервера
* Firefox, LiveHTTPHeaders
POST /nagios/cgi-bin/cmd.cgi HTTP/1.1
Host: nagios.worldapp
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru; rv:
Gecko/20071003 Firefox/
Accept-Language: ru-ru,ru;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: windows-1251,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Authorization: Basic ZGV4eDpkZWx0YQ==
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 75
HTTP/1.x 502 Bad Gateway
Server: nginx/0.5.26
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 14:20:01 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 383
Connection: keep-alive
* nagios config - почти дефолтный
* конфиг nginx host:
server {
listen 80;
server_name nagios.worldapp;
#charset koi8-r;
access_log /var/log/nginx/nagios.access.log main;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root html;
location / {
root /usr/local/nagios/share;
auth_basic "Restricted";
auth_basic_user_file /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.user;
location ~ \.cgi$ {
root /usr/local/nagios/sbin;
rewrite ^/nagios/cgi-bin/(.*)\.cgi /$1.cgi break;
fastcgi_index index.cgi;
auth_basic "Restricted";
auth_basic_user_file /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.user;
fastcgi_pass unix:/usr/local/nagios/var/run/fcgi/nagios.sock;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME
fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING
fastcgi_param REMOTE_ADDR
fastcgi_param REMOTE_PORT
fastcgi_param REQUEST_METHOD
fastcgi_param REQUEST_URI
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME
fastcgi_param SERVER_ADDR
fastcgi_param SERVER_NAME
fastcgi_param SERVER_PORT
fastcgi_param SERVER_PROTOCOL
fastcgi_param SERVER_SOFTWARE nginx;
fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH
fastcgi_param CONTENT_TYPE
fastcgi_param GATEWAY_INTERFACE CGI/1.0;
fastcgi_param HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING gzip,deflate;
fastcgi_param HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE en;
#include conf/fastcgi_params;
use FCGI;
#perl -MCPAN -e 'install FCGI'
use Socket;
#this keeps the program alive or something after exec'ing perl scripts
END() { } BEGIN() { }
*CORE::GLOBAL::exit = sub { die "fakeexit\nrc=".shift()."\n"; }; eval q{exit};
if ($@) { exit unless $@ =~ /^fakeexit/; } ;
sub main {
#$socket = FCGI::OpenSocket( ":3461", 10 ); #use IP sockets
$socket = FCGI::OpenSocket( "/var/run/nagios.sock", 10 ); #use UNIX
sockets - user running this script must have w access to the 'nginx' folder!!
$request = FCGI::Request( \*STDIN, \*STDOUT, \*STDERR, \%ENV, $socket );
if ($request) {request_loop()};
FCGI::CloseSocket( $socket );
sub request_loop {
while( $request->Accept() >= 0 ) {
#processing any STDIN input from WebServer (for CGI-GET actions)
$env = $request->GetEnvironment();
$stdin_passthrough ='';
$req_len = 0 + $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH};
$stdin_passthrough .= $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
#running the cgi app
if ( (-x $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME}) && #can I execute this?
(-s $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME}) && #Is this file empty?
(-r $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME}) #can I read this file?
open $cgi_app, '-|', $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME}, $stdin_passthrough
or print("Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); print "Error: CGI app returned no
output - Executing $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME} failed !\n";
if ($cgi_app) {print <$cgi_app>; close $cgi_app;}
else {
print("Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n");
print "Error: No such CGI app - $req_len -
exist or is not executable by this process.\n";