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[security-alerts] FYI: Format String Vulnerabilities in Perl Programs

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven M. Christey [mailto:coley@xxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 11:56 AM
> To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Format String Vulnerabilities in Perl Programs
> *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
> Format String Vulnerabilities in Perl Programs
> *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
> Author: Steve Christey
> Date: December 2, 2005
> **********************************************************************
> Table of Contents
> **********************************************************************
> 1. Synopsis
> 2. Relevant History and Credits
> 3. Attack and Impact Details
> 4. Some Discussion on Format Strings and the Taint Checker
> 5. Real-World Vulnerable Program Examples
> 6. Avoiding Format String Vulnerabilities During Development
> 7. Suggestions for Further Research
> 8. Demonstration Programs 
> 9. References
> 10. Disclosure History
> **********************************************************************
> 1. Synopsis
> **********************************************************************
> Format string vulnerabilities in C programs have been studied
> extensively in recent years.  The focus has been on the execution of
> arbitrary code, although other effects are possible.
> For many other programming languages, format string vulnerabilities
> are also possible.  Given the lack of attention to other languages, it
> is highly likely that a large number of applications have these issues
> even when they have been audited for other types of vulnerabilities.
> For any language that supports format strings, applications that are
> written in that language could be subject to format string
> vulnerabilities.  The impact is specific to the behaviors that are
> supported by the format strings, and their interaction with language
> internals.
> In recent days, Jack Louis of Dyad Security reported on a format
> string issue in a Webmin application that is written in Perl
> (CVE-2005-3912).  He further showed how a problem in the Perl
> interpreter itself could allow modification of memory and code
> execution in vulnerable apps (CVE-2005-3962).
> This paper focuses on format string vulnerabilities at the application
> level.  It must be emphasized that even if the interpreter problem is
> fixed, the impact of format string vulnerabilities will only be
> reduced, not completely eliminated.
> Excluding problems within the interpreter itself, Perl application
> format string vulnerabilities can allow denials of service (primarily
> memory or disk consumption), information leaks, and modification of
> program variables in ways that may have security implications.
> In particular, the sprintf() and printf() functions in Perl can be
> abused if an attacker can control the contents of the format string.
> Since similar functions are used in C, it is possible that these
> functions will be used more frequently by C programmers who are new to
> Perl.
> It should be noted that Perl's taint checker does not catch some
> variants of format string attacks.  The behavior differs in Perl 5.004
> and 5.6.1 (5.6.1 can identify additional dangerous inputs).  However,
> modifying the taint checker itself may not be feasible or even
> appropriate.
> **********************************************************************
> 2. Relevant History and Credits
> **********************************************************************
> Jean-loup Gailly independently discovered and reported a format string
> problem in a Perl application on September 26, 2002 [1].  Arjan de Vet
> included format strings and the taint checker in a presentation at
> YAPC:Europe in August 2001 [2].  Steve Christey mentioned the
> possibility of format strings in PHP applications on April 3, 2003 [3]
> and format strings in interpreted languages during a lightning round
> talk on vulnerability research gaps at CanSecWest in April 2004 [4].
> Jack Louis reported on a format string problem in a Perl application
> on November 29, 2005 [5], following it with a description of an
> integer wrap within Perl itself that was exploitable via format
> strings on December 1, 2005 [6].  The most notable early research on
> format strings in C was performed by Tim Newsham in September 2000
> [7].
> **********************************************************************
> 3. Attack and Impact Details
> **********************************************************************
> Following are some of the more dangerous specifiers, along with their
> implications.
> 1) Memory or disk consumption
>    The "%s" specifier, and others that allow field widths to be
>    defined, can be used to consume a large amount of CPU, memory,
>    and/or disk, e.g. "%99999s".  ("%999999999s" is sufficient to
>    consume a gigabyte of memory or disk, but it has been reported that
>    it can also cause the Perl program to crash.)
> 2) Modification of variables
>    Using the "%n" specifier, the attacker can modify the values of
>    certain variables that are provided as arguments to print/sprintf,
>    possibly altering program behavior in ways that have security
>    implications.  The variable is modified to a number, generally a 0.
>    The implications of this problem depend on how the program uses the
>    variables.
>    Consider the following pseudo-code for an authentication routine:
>      $input = GetInputFromUser();
>      if (UserHasAuthenticated($user))
>      {
>        $a = 0;
>      }
>      else
>      {
>        $a = 1;
>      }
>      $str = sprintf($input, $a);
>      if ($a)
>      {
>        PromptUserToAuthenticate($user);
>      }
>      else
>      {
>        DoThingThatOnlyUsersShouldDo($user);
>      }
>      If $input is "%10s", then str is formatted with up to 10 spaces
>      of padding and $a is not modified; but if $input is "%n", then $a
>      is changed to 0, and the attacker effectively bypasses the check
>      for authentication.
> 3) Argument shifting
>    The "%p" specifier formats a pointer for the next argument to be
>    processed in the call to *printf.  This effectively misdirects or
>    shifts all remaining arguments to different format specifiers than
>    the programmer intended.  The impact depends on the specific bug.
>    Argument shifting could also be used to bypass cleansing operations
>    for other vulnerabilities, by shifting uncleansed values into
>    variables that contain cleansed values.
> 4) Altering intended outputs
>    Any format specifier can alter the intended format of structured
>    output.  This in turn could corrupt files or enable the
>    exploitation of vulnerabilities in other applications that process
>    such output.  For example, the '%p' specifier, which prints out a
>    pointer value, could be used to generate integer values that exceed
>    the expected range of inputs.
>    Example:
>      $index = GetUserInput();
>      if (($index > 32) || ($index < 0))
>      {
>        print STDERR "Error: Index must be between 0 and 32.";
>      }
>      ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = gmtime(time);
>      printf DATABASE, "$index %4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",
>           $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday;
>    If $index is "1", then the result might be:
>      1 2002/10/01 06:58:42
>    But if $index is "%p", the error condition is not detected (since
>    the string evaluates to 0), and the result would be:
>      130690   10/01/06 58:42:00
>    Here, not only does the 'index' value exceed the maximum of 32, but
>    all the other values are wrong!  This is because the %p was used to
>    format a pointer to the $year+1900 expression.  All the other
>    arguments were then misdirected, and applied to the wrong format
>    specifier.  Thus the month value is formatted as the year, the
>    seconds value is formatted as the minute, etc.
> 5) Bypassing cleansing operations
>    Cleansing operations that remove spaces could be tricked by using
>    "%2s" or other format specifiers that generate spaces.  Programs
>    may try to remove spaces when passing arguments to commands, or
>    formatting data.
>     Here's one example:
>       opendir(DIR, ".");
>       while ($file = readdir(DIR))
>       {
>          if ($file =~ /\s/)
>          {
>             print STDERR "Warning: '$file' has spaces, 
> replacing with _\n";
>             $file =~ s/\s/_/g;
>          }
>        if ($file =~ /^-(fiprR)+$/)
>        {
>           print STDERR "Warning: '$file' matches switches for 
> /bin/cp!\n";
>             # skip this one.
>             next;
>        }
>          $backup = sprintf("$file.bak");  # C programmers 
> might do this
>          system("/bin/cp $file $backup"); # but this *is* 
> just an example
>       }
>       closedir(DIR);
>     If $file is set to "-R%2ssubdir", then the check for "dangerous
>     switches" would fail, and the resulting system call would be:
>         system("/bin/cp -R  subdir subdir.bak");
> 6) Other Attack Scenarios
>    Some feasible attack scenarios involve Perl programs that generate
>    log messages or reports:
>      - File names containing format specifiers could alter which files
>        are processed
>      - IP addresses whose DNS reverse lookup includes format strings
>        could be returned as the result of gethostbyname().
>    Log files could be filled easily using "%999s" style strings.
>    The possibility of CRLF injection was theorized, but a casual
>    investigation was not successful.
> **********************************************************************
> 4. Some Discussion on Format Strings and the Taint Checker
> **********************************************************************
> In 5.004:
>    The taint checker apparently does not flag filenames as tainted
>    (e.g. as obtained from the readdir() function).  Presumably, other
>    types of "indirect input" may not be tainted.  However, it does
>    identify more direct sources of input such as stdin and environment
>    variables.
> In 5.6.1:
>    Filenames are tainted, and the taint checker terminates the
>    program.  While the program is safe from exploitation through
>    dangerous calls, there is still a denial of service, which could be
>    a problem with critical code that is expected to fully complete its
>    task, such as a log processing program (although the programmer
>    should take the possibility of failure into account while running
>    in taint mode anyway!)
>    Note that the taint checker does not exit until a *printf-tainted
>    variable is passed to a dangerous call such as system().  So, if
>    the program is not tested with specifiers such as '%n' (which
>    modifies an argument to *printf), then the taint check may not be
>    discovered.
>    Attacks such as resource consumption and data format modification
>    will still work; however, changing the taint checker to exit as
>    soon as the printf/sprintf is encountered could break existing
>    programs.
> This is a factor though: "testing" sprintf/printf with normal file
> names won't directly trigger the taint checker, unless %n is actually
> included in the filename; so, if the programmer tests the Perl code,
> but does not include the '%n' option, they won't necessarily find the
> taint error.  However, a later input with '%n' could cause the program
> to halt unexpectedly due to the taint error.
> Note: the taint checker doesn't complain when system() is called with
> arguments in the following fashion:
>    system("/bin/echo", $tainted_var1, $tainted_var2);
> The following example properly generates an error from the taint
> checker, using input from stdin:
>   $a = <STDIN>;
>   chomp($a);
>   $str = sprintf("$a.txt");
>   system("/bin/echo $str");
> The following example also generates an error from the taint checker,
> using input from a directory listing:
>   opendir(DIR, ".");
>   while ($file = readdir(DIR))
>   {
>     system("/bin/echo $file");
>   }
>   closedir(DIR);
> Original bug report:
>   http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=17698
>   http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/67239
> Statement From Perl Language Developer
> --------------------------------------
>     These issues do not represent a substantial security hole in perl
>     itself.  Future versions of perl may extend tainting checks to
>     format strings, or just to certain aspects of formats (such as
>     %n).
> **********************************************************************
> 5. Real-World Vulnerable Program Examples
> **********************************************************************
> In 2002, at least 3 different Perl programs were found vulnerable to
> format string attacks:
> 1) ftplogcheck
> 2) perl-nocem
> 3) WASD OpenVMS web server
> ftplogcheck
> -----------
> ftplogcheck is a program used for processing wu-ftpd logs and
> generating statistics.
> It is not part of the wu-ftp distribution.
> One portion of ftplogcheck report lists which files were uploaded to
> the server by the "anonymous" user.  The code is:
>   printf REPORT "$time $host $filesize $filename $name\n";
> If the wu-ftp server is configured to allow uploads from anonymous
> users, then attackers can upload files whose names contain malicious
> format strings, which are then fed into the $filename variable.
> In this case, the attacker could consume memory or disk space by
> causing an extremely large report to be generated (if $filename is
> "%999999s") or misrepresent the name of the file that has been
> uploaded (if $filename is "word1%1sword2", which would generate the
> string "word1 word2").
> The original developer is:
>   koos@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>   http://idefix.net/~koos/ftp.html
>   [ftp://ftp.cetis.hvu.nl/pub/koos/ftplogcheck is apparently down]
> This program is archived at:
> http://www.landfield.com/software/ftp.landfield.com/wu-ftpd/to
> perl-nocem
> ----------
> perl-nocem is a script that was apparently suggested for inclusion in
> INN 2.0 beta, but it was not directly distributed with INN 2.3.3 or
> any 2.x version.
>   http://www.isc.org/ml-archives/inn-workers/2001/05/msg00177.html
> This script processes NoCeM notices, which can be used by the server
> to process third-party, PGP-signed article cancellation notices.
> In do_nocem(), a call is made to sprintf() after inserting the values
> of the $nid and $issuer variables into the format string:
>   logmsg(sprintf("processed notice $nid by $issuer"
>           . " ($nr ids, %.5f s, %.1f/s)", $diff, $nr / $diff));
> The value of $nid is obtained from a "notice-id" news article header.
> It is not sanity-checked; therefore, malicious format strings can be
> inserted into this sprintf() call.  The $issuer variable is obtained
> from an "issuer" header, but this value must be allowed by the
> perl-nocem control file.  It may be possible to use a wildcard
> character and match any issuer.
> The $nr variable contains the total number of articles to be canceled,
> and the $diff variable attempts to measure the amount of time required
> to cancel the articles, generally 0.01 due to an apparent bug.
> According to the developer, the scope of this attack is limited: "the
> message is printed only after the nocem notice has been PGP-verified,
> so the attacker must be one of the trusted cancellers."
>   Typical input
>     Assume that 10 articles are to be canceled ($nr = 10) and $diff is
>     0.01.
>     With a $nid (Notice-ID header) of "NID" and a $issuer (Issuer
>     header) of "ISSUER@xxxxxxxxxxx", the log message output would be:
>      processed notice NID by ISSUER@xxxxxxxxxxx (10 ids, 
> 0.01000 s, 1000.0/s)
>   Memory/disk consumption
>     With a Notice-ID of "%9999999s", a large amount of memory and/or
>     log file space is consumed:
>      processed notice                                         
>      [etc.]
>   Modification of the $diff variable
>     With a notice-id of "%n", perl-nocem changes the $diff variable to
>     17 (the length of the "processed notice " substring), as opposed
>     to its original value (typically 0.01).  This changes the error
>     message to misrepresent how long it took to cancel the articles:
>       processed notice  by ISSUER@xxxxxxxxxxx (10 ids, 
> 1000.00000 s, 0.0/s)
>     (notice the double-space in "notice  by" where the notice-id would
>      be).
>     Note that if perl-nocem had used a format string that began with
>     the "$nid" variable (e.g. "$nid notice processed" instead of
>     "processed notice $nid"), then the $diff variable would have been
>     set to 0, and the "$nr / $diff" expression would have caused the
>     program to exit with a division-by-zero error.
>   Other output modifications
>     With a notice-id of "%p", the resulting log message would be like:
>       processed notice 130498 by [ISSUER] (10 ids, 0.50000 s, 0.0/s)
>     where the "130498" is an incorrect notice id.
> Developer statement:
>    [This is] not easily exploitable, the message is printed only after
>    the nocem notice has been PGP-verified, so the attacker must be one
>    of the trusted cancellers.
> Solution:
> ----
> Jean-loup Gailly suggested the presence of a format string issue in
> the WASD OpenVMS web server [1].
> A sample program, PerlRTE_example1.pl, contained the following
> vulnerable code:
>    printf ("$name=\"$ENV{$name}\"\n");
> where the $name variable can be altered by an attacker to contain
> format strings (e.g. through a query string).
> **************************************************************
> **********
> 6. Avoiding Format String Vulnerabilities During Development
> **************************************************************
> **********
> When writing Perl programs, follow these guidelines.
> 1) Use constant strings for formatting.
> 2) Do not feed Perl variables directly into format strings, e.g.
>    "$bad %10s"    or     $bad . " %10s"
> 3) Where possible, avoid using printf and sprintf
> 4) If absolutely necessary, consider quoting the "%" specifier before
>    including a user-controlled input into a format string.
> 5) Run your program with taint checking enabled, which can help
>    protect against many of the problems identified here.
> Notes on Detecting Vulnerabilities in Source Code
> -------------------------------------------------
> Detection of suspicious code is slightly more difficult than it is for
> C code.  Constant strings can contain Perl entities such as variables
> or references, which are inserted into the string before it is passed
> to printf/sprintf.
>   $fmt = <USER_INPUT>;
> **************************************************************
> **********
> 7. Suggestions for Further Research
> **************************************************************
> **********
> This paper is not an exhaustive work, so further research is needed.
> Software developers and vulnerability researchers are encouraged to
> actively search for format string issues in all programming languages,
> not just C and Perl.
> Suggested research topics include:
>  - for each programming language, identify and publicize all builtin
>    or common library functions that use format strings.
>  - extend source and binary code analysis tools to look for improper
>    use of these functions
>  - audit individual applications that have been previously deemed free
>    of obvious vulnerabilities, with a focus on format strings
>  - study the implications of interactions between a high-level
>    language and the language it is implemented in.  For example, there
>    may be format string analogues to the problems of the null byte in
>    Perl and PHP programs and their interaction with the underlying C
>    code.
>  - further examination of the taint checker (see below)
> Note: in the author's limited experience, format string
> vulnerabilities do not appear as frequently in Perl or PHP
> applications as they do in C programs.  However, more focused efforts
> are needed before this suspicion can be confirmed.
> **********************************************************************
> 8. Demonstration Programs 
> **********************************************************************
> These programs demonstrate some the problems described above.
> 1) Argument modification
> #!/bin/env perl
> # when run with taint checking (-T), this seems to properly barf about
> # dependency errors (try a "clean" format string like "5s%s%s" vs. a
> # dirty one with a "%n" in it).
> $ENV{"PATH"} = "";
> # try as input:  "%s%n%s" --> modifies $b
> $a = "A";
> $b = "B";
> $c = "C";
> $x = sprintf($ARGV[0], $a, $b, $c);
> print "\$a='$a'; \$b='$b'; \$c='$c'\n";
> print "$x\n";
> system("/bin/echo $a $b $c");
> ************** End Sample Vulnerable Program **************
> ********* Sample 2 **********
> # Create a directory that contains files with these names:
> # X%10sX
> # %p
> # %s
> # abc%ndef
> # This was gleaned from some real-world code, but the print was
> # changed to printf.
> # Change what filenames are processed via format strings in
> # the filenames, such as a file named "%p%n"
> #
> # You can "erase" a filename by using '%s', and having this "blank"
> # filename could throw off the argument count to system or exec calls,
> # which could alter behavior.  Consider a backup command like
> # exec("/bin/cp", file1, file2) where file1 can be "blanked" out
> #
> # Similarly, you could "erase" portions of a filename with "%n" or
> # "%s".  The filename ABC.TXT would be equivalent to ABC%n.%nTXT
> #
> # You can create very long filenames by using '%999s' (for example).
> opendir(DIR, ".");
> while ($file = readdir(DIR))
> {
>     print "Real filename: $file\n";
>     printf "Filename in format string: $file\n\n";
> }
> closedir(DIR);
> 2) Misuse of format string in log processing, for which many Perl
>    programs have been written.  Could cause larger strings than
>    expected to be written to files or sent to processes; code that
>    depends on well-formatted input from the program may be subject to
>    buffer overflow or other issues.
>    I've seen several programs that do something like this:
>    printf "A=$a\n"
> ******** End Sample 2 ************
> **********************************************************************
> 9. References
> **********************************************************************
> [1] Jean-loup Gailly <jloup@xxxxxxxxxx>
>     "remote SYSTEM compromise in WASD OpenVMS http server"
>     Bugtraq post
>     September 26, 2002
>     http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=bugtraq&m=103307640806862&w=2
> [2] Arjan de Vet
>     "Security aware programming with Perl"
>     http://www.madison-gurkha.com/publications/yapc2001/text0.htm
> [3] Steve Christey
>     "An Alternate View of Recently Reported PHP Vulnerabilities"
>     Bugtraq
>     http://seclists.org/lists/bugtraq/2003/Apr/0085.html
> [4] http://www.cansecwest.com/archives.html
> [5] Jack Louis
>     "Webmin miniserv.pl format string vulnerability"
>     November 29, 2005
> http://lists.immunitysec.com/pipermail/dailydave/2005-November
> [6] Jack Louis
>     "Perl format string integer wrap vulnerability"
>     December 1, 2005
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=full-disclosure&m=113345191421286&w=2
> [8] WASD PerlRTE_example1.pl
>     http://wasd.vsm.com.au/ht_root/src/perl/readmore.html
> [9] perl-nocem:
>     http://www.isc.org/ml-archives/inn-workers/2001/05/msg00177.html
> [10] INN-workers security report
>     http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=inn-workers&m=103643921519928&w=2
>     http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=inn-workers&m=103644050021431&w=2
> **********************************************************************
> 10. Disclosure History
> **********************************************************************
> Jun 10, 2002 - Theorized issue; began discovery and investigation;
>                search for potentially vulnerable programs initially
>                unsuccessful
> Sep 26, 2002 - Jean-loup Gailly (jloup@xxxxxxxxxx) posts Perl format
>                string problem in OpenVMS
> Sep 28, 2002 - deeper investigation into format specifiers, other
>                vulnerable programs
> Sep 30, 2002 - more writing on security advisory; investigated whether
>                taint checker did "the right thing"
> Sep 30, 2002 - tried to find a way to report a security vuln to Perl
>                developers (in case taint issue is a Perl bug, and to
>                consult on possibility of buffer overflows).
>                Registered to site, only to be told by a web page to
>                email my report to a certain address.  Left out details
>                in the email because I had no idea who would be viewing
>                the report at that address.  This turned out to be a
>                good decision, as that post has been publicly archived.
> Sep 30, 2002 - investigated taint checker issues, %p
> Sep 30, 2002 - initial response from Perl contact (within 50 minutes)
>                saying it was OK to post details to that address, gave
>                an alternate POC just in case.
> Oct  1, 2002 - provided Perl developer list with details
> Oct  1, 2002 - notified CERT/CC
> Oct  8, 2002 - sent followup inquiry to Perl developer list and
>                primary Perl POC; haven't heard anything back, do they
>                plan to modify the taint checker?
> Oct 10, 2002 - asked a colleague to try contacting Perl developers
> Oct 11, 2002 - response from hv@xxxxxxxxx saying that message had not
>                been forwarded to the mailing list.  Replied to various
>                points; suggested possible statement on taint checker.
> Oct 17, 2002 - Statement modified and approved from hv@xxxxxxxxx
> Nov  1, 2002 - notified Mark.Daniel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (WASD developer)
>                http://wasd.vsm.com.au/ht_root/src/perl/readmore.html
> Nov  1, 2002 - more investigation into perl-nocem
> Nov  1, 2002 - notified perl-nocem author, Marco d'Itri (md@xxxxxxxx)
> Nov  3, 2002 - received acknowledgement from perl-nocem author
> Nov  3, 2002 - received acknowledgement from WASD author, approval to
>                release
> Dec  5, 2002 - inquiry to perl-nocem author; are patches available?
> Dec  5, 2002 - perl-nocem patches had been made
> Dec  5, 2002 - investigation of ftplogcheck
> Dec 19, 2002 - refined advisory, cleaned up demonstration code
> Nov 29, 2005 - posted to DailyDave
> Dec 1, 2005 - Jack Louis releases Perl integer wrap advisory
> Dec 2, 2005 - further edits, table of contents, enhancement of
>               argument shifting
> Dec 2, 2005 - posted to Bugtraq, Full-Disclosure


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