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[security-alerts] FW: [NEWS] Bypassing Script Filters with Variable-Width Encodings

> -----Original Message-----
> From: SecuriTeam [mailto:support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 8:22 PM
> To: html-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [NEWS] Bypassing Script Filters with Variable-Width Encodings
> Bypassing Script Filters with Variable-Width Encodings 
> We've all known that the main problem of constructing XSS 
> attacks is how to obfuscate malicious code. In the following 
> paragraphs Cheng will attempt to explain the concept of 
> bypassing script filters with variable-width encodings, and 
> disclose the applications of this concept to Hotmail and 
> Yahoo! Mail web-based mail services. 
> A variable-width encoding(a.k.a variable-length encoding) is 
> a type of character encoding scheme in which codes of 
> differing lengths are used to encode a character set. Most 
> common variable-width encodings are multibyte encodings, 
> which use varying numbers of bytes to encode different 
> characters. The first use of multibyte encodings was for the 
> encoding of Chinese, Japanese and Korean, which have large 
> character sets well in excess of 256 characters. The Unicode 
> standard has two variable-width encodings: UTF-8 and UTF-16. 
> The most commonly-used codes are two-byte codes. The EUC-CN 
> form of GB2312, plus EUC-JP and EUC-KR, are examples of such 
> two-byte EUC codes. And there are also some three-byte and 
> four-byte codes. 
> Example and Discussion: 
> The following is a php file from which Cheng will start to 
> introduce his idea. 
> <html> 
> <head> 
> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> 
> </head> 
> <body> 
> <? 
> for($i=0;$i<256;$i++){ 
>  echo "Char $i is <font face=\"xyz".chr($i)."\">not </font>" 
>      ."<font face=\" onmouseover=alert($i) notexist=".chr($i)."\" >" 
>       // NOTE: 5 space characters following the last \" 
>      ."available</font>\r\n\r\n<br>\r\n\r\n"; 
> } 
> ?> 
> </body> 
> </html> 
> For most values of $i, Internet Explorer 6.0(SP2) will 
> display "Char XXX is not available". When $i is between 
> 192(0xC0) and 255(0xFF), you can see "Char XXX is available". 
> Let's take $i=0xC0 for example, consider the following code: 
> Char 192 is <font face="xyz[0xC0]">not </font><font face=" 
> onmouseover=alert(192) s=[0xC0]" >available</font> 
> 0xC0 is one of the 32 first bytes of 2-byte sequences 
> (0xC0-0xDF) in UTF-8. So when IE parses the above code, it 
> will consider 0xC0 and the following quote as a sequence, and 
> therefore these two pairs of FONT elements will become one 
> with "xyz[0xC0]">not </font><font face=" as the value of FACE 
> parameter. The second 0xC0 will start another 2-byte sequence 
> as a value of NOTEXIST parameter which is not quoted. Due to 
> a space character following by the quote, 0xE0-0xEF which are 
> first bytes of 3-byte sequences, together with the following 
> quote and one space character will be considered as the value 
> of NOTEXIST parameter. And each of the first bytes of 4-byte 
> sequences(0xF0-0xF7), 5-byte sequences(0xF8-0xFB), 6-byte 
> sequences(0xFC-0xFD), together with the following quote and 
> space characters will be considered as one sequence. 
> Here are the results of the above code parsed by Internet 
> Explorer 6.0(SP2), Firefox and Opera 9.0.1 in 
> different variable-width encodings respectively. Note that 
> the numbers in the table are the ranges of "available" characters. 
> +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
> |           | IE        | FF        | OP        |
> +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
> | UTF-8     | 0xC0-0xFF | none      | none      |
> +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
> | GB2312    | 0x81-0xFE | none      | 0x81-0xFE |
> +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
> | GB18030   | none      | none      | 0x81-0xFE |
> +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
> | BIG5      | 0x81-0xFE | none      | 0x81-0xFE |
> +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
> | EUC-KR    | 0x81-0xFE | none      | 0x81-0xFE |
> +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
> | EUC-JP    | 0x81-0x8D | 0x8F      | 0x8E      |
> |           | 0x8F-0x9F |           | 0x8F      |
> |           | 0xA1-0xFE |           | 0xA1-0xFE |
> +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
> | SHIFT_JIS | 0x81-0x9F | 0x81-0x9F | 0x81-0x9F |
> |           | 0xE0-0xFC | 0xE0-0xFC | 0xE0-0xFC |
> +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
> Application: 
> Cheng doesn't think there is a typical exploitation of 
> bypassing script filters with variable-width encodings, 
> because the exploitation is very flexible. But you just need 
> to remember that if the webapp use variable-width encodings, 
> you can bury some characters following by your entry, and the 
> buried characters might be very crucial. 
> The above code might be exploited in general webapps which 
> allow you to add formatting to your entry in the same way as 
> HTML does. For example, in some forums, [font=Courier 
> New]message[/font] in your message will be transformed into 
> <font face="Courier New">message</font>. Supposing it use 
> UTF-8, we can attack by sending 
> [font=xyz[0xC0]]buried[/font][font=abc onmouseover=alert() 
> s=[0xC0]]exploited[/font] 
> And it will be tranformed into 
> <font face="xyz[0xC0]">buried</font><font face="abc 
> onmouseover=alert() s=[0xC0]">exploited</font> 
> Again, the exploitation is very flexible, this FONT-FONT 
> example is just an enlightening one. The following 
> exploitation to Yahoo! Mail is quite different from this one. 
> Disclosure: 
> Using this method, Cheng has found two XSS vulnerabilities in 
> Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail web-based mail services. Cheng has 
> informed Yahoo and Microsoft on April 30 and May 12 
> respectively. And they have patched the vulnerabilities. 
> Yahoo! Mail XSS: 
> Before Cheng discovered this vulnerability, Yahoo! Mail 
> filtering engine could block "expression()" syntax in a CSS 
> attribute using a comment to break up expression( expr/* 
> */ession() ). I used [0x81] with the following asterisk to 
> make a sequence, so that the second */ would close the 
> comment. But the filtering engine considered the first two 
> comment symbol as a pair. 
> MIME-Version: 1.0 
> From: user<user@xxxxxxxx> 
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=GB2312 
> Subject: example 
> <span style='width:expr/*[0x81]*/*/ession(alert())'>exploited</span> 
> Hotmail XSS: 
> This exploitation is almost the same as the example.php. 
> MIME-Version: 1.0 
> From: user<user@xxxxxxxx> 
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=SHIFT_JIS 
> Subject: example 
> <font face="[0x81]"></font><font face=" onmouseover=alert() 
> s=[0x81]">exploited</font> 
> Additional Information: 
> The information has been provided by Cheng Peng Su 
> <mailto:applesoup@xxxxxxxxx> . 
> The original article can be found at: 
> http://applesoup.googlepages.com/bypass_filter.txt 
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