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[security-alerts] FYI: Some Suspected of Purchasing Illegal Content Were Likely Victims of Credit Card Fraud


 --Some Suspected of Purchasing Illegal Content Were Likely Victims of
Credit Card Fraud   
(May 10, 2007)
According to a BBC investigation, at least 2,000 people arrested because
their credit cards were used to purchase child pornography over the
Internet may have been victims of credit card fraud.  The arrests stem
from a May 2002 action known as Operation Ore; law enforcement officials
obtained a list of names associated with credit card numbers that had
been used to purchase the illegal content.  Two thousand of the people
whose names appeared on the list were investigated, but ultimately saw
charges against them dropped; another 2,300 have been found guilty.
[Editor's Comment (Northcutt): Yikes, first you suffer from identity
theft, second the thief uses your credit card to buy child pornography,
third you are under investigation. I hope they didn't leak the names of
the innocent! That is some investigation; the bust was seven years ago:
http://archives.cnn.com/2001/LAW/08/08/ashcroft.childporn/index.html ]
[Editor's Note (Pescatore): There have been a number of attacks
(including some against corporations) where PCs have been taken over,
child pornography downloaded and then extortion attempts sent to the PC
user/owner.  But the bigger enterprise problem is the increasing use of
personal PCs for business use, where those personal PCs have all kinds
of questionable content on them.
(Ullrich): Malware and stolen identities make the job of child
pornography investigators much harder.  Today, convictions are
relatively easy if illegal material is found on a system. However, once
the "a trojan put them there" defense takes hold, it will be harder to
prove who actually put the files on the system.]


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