I was considering trading up from my Artixscan 4000 (SS4000 clone) to a
Nikon because I'm sick of removing dust specks, the Nikon was said to be
sharper with better shadow performance and faster, not to mention GEM and
In reality Rick's sample do show that Nikon generally has the best shadow
detail. ICE would be useful but immediately scanning film after processing
avoids much of the dust problem. The AS/SS4000 does apppear to be better in
other ways - particularly grain. The Nikon sharpness is also only better
with the post processing features off which negates most of the Nikon's
I think I'll keep my AS4000 for now.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter" <echo@mpinet.net>
To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: Time to upgrade: Opinions wanted
> Based on http://www.samcos.com/rick/equip/scannertest/ssvsed.htm ( if
> accurately) SS4000 is overall "better" than Nikon 4000. Since Nikon IV is
> not as "good" as his more expensive brother (this is easy to see!) the
> Polaroid is a clear winner.
> With no real knowledge about CanoScan FS4000US and Dimage Scan Elite I
> still consider them somewhere in Nikon IV/4000 category. Based on this
> assumption SS4000 is the best scanner in $1700 category sold for about
> that much.
> Can anybody confirm this? Any thoughts?