I couldn't be happier with my SS4000 and I can't imagine that any of the
other scanners in the same price range as competition for the SS4000 output
( from slides at least ). I've been using mine for over a year with
absolutely no problems. It put me in the business of selling fine art prints
which I hadn't even seriously considered previously. I go over my slides
with a Kinetronics StaticWisk brush befor scanning and I keep a plastic bag
over my scanner when I'm not scanning. I doubt I average 3 minutes per image
cloning away dust and those are the scans where I forget to ask Insight to
treat for normal dust. I never use the heavy dust option in Insight. Of
course I live on the north end of the Olympic Peninsula so that may help.
When I'm judging or critiquing slide competitions, I'm always amazed at how
many dirty slides are entered. Clean your slides before scanning and keep
the dust out of your machine and I don't see the need for ICE except for
scratches and similar damage. If you've got a bunch of old slides that have
not been well cared for, that is probably a different story. I'm sure the
Nikon fans and maybe the Minolta fans are going to disagree with me so I'm
going to put up my schield and duck back in my foxhole now. Whatever your
choice, I wish the two posters upgrading good luck and happy scanning.
Ron Carlson
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter" <echo@mpinet.net>
To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 4:24 AM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: Time to upgrade: Opinions wanted
> Based on http://www.samcos.com/rick/equip/scannertest/ssvsed.htm ( if
> accurately) SS4000 is overall "better" than Nikon 4000. Since Nikon IV is
> not as "good" as his more expensive brother (this is easy to see!) the
> Polaroid is a clear winner.
> With no real knowledge about CanoScan FS4000US and Dimage Scan Elite I
> still consider them somewhere in Nikon IV/4000 category. Based on this
> assumption SS4000 is the best scanner in $1700 category sold for about
> that much.
> Can anybody confirm this? Any thoughts?