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filmscanners: VueScan 7.1.25 Available

I just released VueScan 7.1.25 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X
and Linux.  It can be downloaded from:


What's new in version 7.1.25

  * Added support for Firewire scanners on Mac OS 9.x

  * Added support for Minolta Scan Dual II and HP 5300
    on Mac OS 10.1 and Linux

  * Improved infrared cleaning

  * Improved quality of infrared scan on Canon FS4000

  * Increased speed of infrared cleaning

  * Fixed problem with some Epson scanners when initializing

  * Increased speed of scans on newer Microtek scanners
    when the scan dpi is less than half of the optical dpi

  * Removed recognition of HP 54XXC (until it can be determined
    whether it uses National Semiconductor LM98XX chip)

  * Removed recognition of Canon D2400U (uses LM98XX chip
    which isn't supported by VueScan)

I'm going on a week-long vacation starting Sunday, so
if you find anything that urgently needs fixing, please let
me know in the next 12 hours or so.

Ed Hamrick


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